I would be interested to hear how you think Bleach compares to Naruto, after you’ve rewatched all of Bleach. I was watching SAO alt GGO season 2 last night, and a few of the soundtrack pieces reminded me of the most badass Shippuden battle music, and suddenly I felt a yearning to rewatch all the Naruto franchise. Just from memory, I would say the two aforementioned ‘big names’ were about equal, and share some key things in common. One of them being, particularly good dubs. And another, particularly good OST and songs. Hey, I still remember you saying you liked Madara’s VA in the dub, and you might have even had Chris Kaplan in your faves at one time (like 6 years ago). Talking about Naruto songs, what are some of your faves? For me, I’d say: Akeboshi/Wind (the bittersweet ED from the very first season), Black Night Town (the ED when the Itachi and Sasuke drama reaches its peak), and the iconic Bluebird (the Guren filler arc song, very tuneful and memorable).
Seeing as we were talking about two of the former ‘big three’, what are your thoughts/feelings about One Piece? I don’t think we’ve ever talked about it/confronted it, before. Maybe, it’s because neither of us has any experience of it. Tbh I did try the first 3 or 4 episodes a year ago, but it didn’t impress me that much. It’s one of those long running series, where its loyal fans will say that you have to stick with it, and give it sufficient time, until it starts to get good and hit its peak. There’s well over 1000 episodes and it’s still ongoing, so maybe it would be a safer bet, if someone older like me, just rewatched Naruto for nostalgic purposes, rather than embark on unchartered waters, with a new shounen adventure. For newer and shorter length shounen, I do still keep up with Dr. Stone and Beastars, and they are among my fave anime. I don’t know if you’ve seen this OP yet, but I’m sure it will get you in the mood for more Senkuu, Kohaku, and the gang. I like how they choreographed the dance moves!
I can’t believe we’ve been MAL friends for well over six years. I’ll never let go, as long as you don’t ;)
The cooking elements in Dungeon Meshi are really well done and look appetising, and some of the recipes might even give you ideas for something to try yourself at home - but substituting some of the strange dungeon ingredients for more traditionally edible ones that are comparable.
I recently rewatched Alicization and War of Underworld with a friend and really enjoyed it. It has become quite a nostalgic series for me - the songs, the OST, Kirito and Asuna, Alice and Eugeo, the artwork, the style of humor. It’s like a long time friend you haven’t seen in a while, but have fond memories of. There’s going to be a new and original SAO movie (like another Ordinal Scale) as the next anime release, apparently. I’m sure Unital Ring will appear eventually, though. Well, I’ll always be happy to see more of the SAO franchise. It’s in my top 20 anime franchises of all time.
Ah, I did notice at some point, not too long ago, that you were rewatching Shippuden (and I see you now have Itachi in your faves). I know there are some people, and some I’ve spoken to on MAL, who have a strict policy of not rewatching, but for me, some of my best experiences have been rewatches, and I’ll sometimes enjoy the rewatch more. I guess I’ve taken a leaf out of your book, as I’m currently engaged in a rewatch of the original Bleach series. It’s been better than I expected, and it still holds up really well, after all these years. The American English dub is better than 95% of dubs, and is better than the majority of the recent ones. It’s real classic stuff. Sadly, they don’t make them like that anymore. TBH I would like to rewatch all of Naruto and Shippuden once more in my lifetime. Almost as a rites of passage or pilgrimage type thing, where you’re completing the journey you started in your youth, and showing your veneration and respect for something that was once almost like a religion for you.
Yeah, the new Bleach has been amazing, and Aizen gets his moment in the spotlight again, as they let him out of prison to help them deal with the Wandenreich, who have completely devastated the Soul Society. I’m currently rewatching the Espada arc, so I’ll have more of a reminder of peak Aizen. It’s been so many years, I need a refresher.
I hope you had a good Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you. However busy you get with your studies, or adult life in the future, it would be nice if you could still make time for a bit of anime. Even if it’s just a few of the best and brightest of the new generation, as well as rewatches of the classics and your old favourites. I can’t believe we’ve been friends for over six years. The time really flies by. Hopefully, we can still reminisce about anime and old times, in 6 years, and 12 years time. I’ll try to stay active on MAL for as long as I’m physically and mentally able to. I wish you all the best in life ;)
Salut frt!
ma bucur ca ti place ce am la favs. DBZ ramane locul 1 pt mine si Vegeta e prea bine scris incat sa nu fie la favs yk))
Love your profile + W Jojo
Mulțumesc pentru aprecieri și pentru comentariul politicos. Sincer, toate anime-urile la care an dat de la 8 în sus, inclusiv 8, merită mult de tot! Am văzut că ție îți plac mai mult astea shonen, din ce ai la favorite. Cool anyway. Dacă vreodată vrei o recomandare să îmi scrii. Cheers!
My, how fascinating. Do I remind you of someone, perhaps? It’s ideal that you should DM your answer, as I will be switching my availability status soon to level 4, which simply means that I will only reply to DMs for the time being.
Hmm, it seems like you like your women virtuous and noble… That or you like them with lighter hair and eye color. To which it is, I wonder… Maybe both, even
Wow, that’s a really upbeat track you sent me. I can just imagine it energizing you while walking to high school. I’m sure you’d get so hyped up it would seem like you were waiting forever for the instant cup ramen you prepared for breakfast to cool down. I guess you’d have no choice but to practice your karate chops while waiting ;)
Yeah, I remember the most iconic Naruto OST tracks being remixed with hip hop beats. Senya was definitely one, and there was Pain’s theme, and Sadness and Sorrow, (amongst others) as well. It’s a shame the Boruto anime fell well short of Shippuden. Shippuden had the music, the heartwarming or heart wrenching feels, the emotional grudge matches, the comedy, the thrilling tactical battles, the flashbacks with the ice lolly’s (in some infinite/neverending genjutsu loop) lol.
As from dropping away from keenly following or supporting any battle shounen, tbh there’s not been many new things for me that have even come near the level of peak Shippuden (it seemed so amazing ten years ago). And seeing as I’m getting older, a fair bit older than you are now, I don’t have the appetite for that style of storytelling, anymore. It seems too full of cliches or like retreading old ground, and even just looking at it casually, as escapist entertainment - well, those types of action anime aren’t entertaining or engaging me nearly as much as they used to. Actually, I’ve not been that impressed by much new anime. The things most worthy of a mention would be Dungeon Meshi and Shangri La Frontier. Shangri La is like a new and different take on the SAO virtual gaming experience, and I’m looking forward to season 2 that’s coming next month. I guess my fave shounen anime right now would be the unconventional/more original ones, like: Dr. Stone, Beastars, and the aforementioned Shangri La Frontier.
How long have you been rewatching Shippuden for, and when did you start? How’s it been the second time around for you? What would be your personal new big three at the moment (your fave new/recent ongoing/continuing anime)? My new big three would be: The Apothecary Diaries, Dungeon Meshi, and Shangri La Frontier - and thankfully, they all have second seasons on the way. As for my personal older (ongoing/continuing anime) big 3 franchises, well, I’d have to say: Overlord, Dr. Stone, and SAO. Hopefully, there are still some more good things/interesting things to come from those 3.
Naruto and Shippuden had some great OST moments. Especially, Shippuden. Tracks like Obito’s theme, Itachi’s theme (Senya), Saika, Gentle Hands, Danzo’s theme, Samidare, and Sasori’s theme (Despair). There are even some gems in the Shippuden movie OST’s. The music was a key part of the Naruhard experience, for me. This is one of those sorrowful laments (that you might have forgotten) that were a cornerstone of the Shippuden musical experience:
My first anime were the two Ghost in the Shell SAC seasons, and it was my first tentative step into anime, when I hadn’t a clue about it, or where to start/what things might be suitable for me. A few months after that, much to my surprise at the time, I started to get sucked into watching the original Bleach anime late at night, and that was the first major anime/well-known franchise I got caught up in. I still really like and respect the Ghost in the Shell franchise. I’m sad it’s not as popular as it should be/could be. I was happy to hear a new GITS project has been announced, though.
I’ve heard some good things about the Boruto manga, and from people who have been very sceptical or critical of the anime. I only got to episode 15, and up until that point the only highlight to speak of, had been some semi-comical Chocho scenes. The action seemed tame and the tension non-existent, and the only drama was whether Boruto should have another burger or not. Maybe, it gets better as it goes on, but I don’t think I will be able to give it more of an opportunity than the 15 episodes I’ve already seen. Also, I’m steering clear of the battle shounen (making a definite choice to), except for the new Bleach.
Yeah, the new Overlord movie is something to look forward to, especially as Season 4 was (perhaps) the best yet. I’ve seen the first Re:Zero season 3 times, and it’s never really gone down great with me. There are moments I enjoy, or characters like Beatrice (I suppose) that I like seeing/hearing, but overall, it’s not one that I particularly love. I’ll rewatch the 2nd season (for the first time) as a prelude to the new one (before it airs), and that’s as fair a chance as I can possibly give it. It’s still a decent enough franchise for me to give it the benefit of the doubt, and be interested enough to want to watch the new one. I’d put it in an upper-middle tier, together with Grimgar. That’s upper-middle tier related to my personal enjoyment, though. Maybe, Re:Zero is a top-tier show regarding/related to popularity, community respect/esteem, and production values - irrespective of its content/writing, or a viewers personal reaction to it.
As for Oshi no Ko, well, it’s a bit of strange one to describe. It fuses reincarnation, with the showbiz/acting industry, pop idol singers/groups, and a murder mystery at the center of it all. The artwork is top-tier and the dialogue is more convincing/engaging and well-written than most. There’s not so much action in it, but seeing as you’ve moved onto new horizons anime-wise, it might be worth checking out. Have a look at the first triple length episode, to see if it’s suited to you or not. If you don’t feel it’s for you, you can leave it there.
I don't mind you turning up every 3 months, and it can be sooner/more regular than that if you want. I still remember when you were an ultra-hardcore Naruhard (with the Madara avatar and profile theme), and I feel some nostalgic affection for those bygone days. It makes me smile to think about how much we've both progressed/moved on since those days, when Naruto was one of the biggest things in our lives. Do you think you'll ever rewatch or reread it again?
We didn't get to see Rukia's most formidable and special skill at its peak (more Chappy Rabbit drawings), but we did get to see her perfected bankai, in TYBW season 2. That's at least, some consolation :)
Shutara has become one of my new faves as well, and the moves she pulled out (to put away 4 elite Sternwritters) were pretty darn cool and impressive, as far as action fantasy superpower series go. For me, it was a more awesome spectacle than anything in KnY, and that's seen as the peak action series for the current generation.
As for NGNL, I think at this time, it's a 50/50 chance that a sequel will ever appear. There's been large gaps between sequels of some other biggish things (Bleach, Tanya the Evil, Log Horizon, Madoka Magica). Maybe they will do something different with the sequel, like split it into multiple parts or movies. The longer the wait goes on, the more its popularity seems to fade away. I remember it being in the top 10 (popularity) when I first joined MAL. While isekai has become one of the most predominant genres in recent times, I've not been overly impressed by that many of them. For me, NGNL (art and aesthetics-wise) and Overlord (world-building and content-wise) and still the pinnacles of the genre.
Brother, congratulations on your university graduation. I saw on ur insta story :))
With that being said, I remember when u reccommended JJK, this anime is a BLAST. Even my wife watches. I see that u haven't logged in for 2 months now, seems like adult life is also getting to you. I haven't logged in either, and I ocasionally log in into social media platforms, cause I have 2 kids now and one is a newborn, so u understand. I remembered that u helped me on league 2 years ago and on this website which I haven't heard of until u mentioned it. And yes I remembered bcs I logged in on insta after half an year and saw ur story. What stood out is that I saw u also got a diploma for involving into some associations and making actual donations from ur OWN money (from what I understood, romanian and croatian sound so so different). Shoutout to you brother. I served in the army a little and I was on battlefield as a young volunteer, so since we are not that far away in age, I know this world DEFINITELY needs more people like u. I don't think I will return to League, maybe one day I will (far far far day) especially because these guys always do so much changes in the meta and I remain behind, wayyyy to behind. I don't even know what BRIAR does. +++ like I said, I don't have time anymore. As for anime I manage to watch slowly some episodes in weekends or maybe an episode in the working days. I don't know if I will log here either, bcs I watch like 2 shows or 3 per 6 months or something like that u know. However, I wish u good luckkkk in ur career that might start soon and thank u once again for helping me in that times, jajaj :)
I'd say Bleach is the best that battle shounen/action anime has to offer right now. It seems a step above everything else in regards to visuals (indisputably top-tier HD with sharp and stylish eye-catching designs - and Mayuri's flashing invisibility cloak was a magnificent sight to behold), OST (Sagisu never disappoints but he's excelled himself here, as some of it is exceedingly epic and grandiose), and action (Kenpachi, Rukia, and Mayuri's battles being the most interesting, immersive, and entertaining to watch). The last two episodes (of Part 2) were awesome action spectacles, especially with how the elite Squad Zero member Shutara Senjumaru (Great Weave Guard), dealt with the Sternritters. That scene was rather awe-inspiring, and makes you wonder what's coming next! I don't think we've seen anything quite like that, or on that scale of magnitude in Bleach before.
All Comments (167) Comments
Seeing as we were talking about two of the former ‘big three’, what are your thoughts/feelings about One Piece? I don’t think we’ve ever talked about it/confronted it, before. Maybe, it’s because neither of us has any experience of it. Tbh I did try the first 3 or 4 episodes a year ago, but it didn’t impress me that much. It’s one of those long running series, where its loyal fans will say that you have to stick with it, and give it sufficient time, until it starts to get good and hit its peak. There’s well over 1000 episodes and it’s still ongoing, so maybe it would be a safer bet, if someone older like me, just rewatched Naruto for nostalgic purposes, rather than embark on unchartered waters, with a new shounen adventure. For newer and shorter length shounen, I do still keep up with Dr. Stone and Beastars, and they are among my fave anime. I don’t know if you’ve seen this OP yet, but I’m sure it will get you in the mood for more Senkuu, Kohaku, and the gang. I like how they choreographed the dance moves!
I can’t believe we’ve been MAL friends for well over six years. I’ll never let go, as long as you don’t ;)
I recently rewatched Alicization and War of Underworld with a friend and really enjoyed it. It has become quite a nostalgic series for me - the songs, the OST, Kirito and Asuna, Alice and Eugeo, the artwork, the style of humor. It’s like a long time friend you haven’t seen in a while, but have fond memories of. There’s going to be a new and original SAO movie (like another Ordinal Scale) as the next anime release, apparently. I’m sure Unital Ring will appear eventually, though. Well, I’ll always be happy to see more of the SAO franchise. It’s in my top 20 anime franchises of all time.
Ah, I did notice at some point, not too long ago, that you were rewatching Shippuden (and I see you now have Itachi in your faves). I know there are some people, and some I’ve spoken to on MAL, who have a strict policy of not rewatching, but for me, some of my best experiences have been rewatches, and I’ll sometimes enjoy the rewatch more. I guess I’ve taken a leaf out of your book, as I’m currently engaged in a rewatch of the original Bleach series. It’s been better than I expected, and it still holds up really well, after all these years. The American English dub is better than 95% of dubs, and is better than the majority of the recent ones. It’s real classic stuff. Sadly, they don’t make them like that anymore. TBH I would like to rewatch all of Naruto and Shippuden once more in my lifetime. Almost as a rites of passage or pilgrimage type thing, where you’re completing the journey you started in your youth, and showing your veneration and respect for something that was once almost like a religion for you.
Yeah, the new Bleach has been amazing, and Aizen gets his moment in the spotlight again, as they let him out of prison to help them deal with the Wandenreich, who have completely devastated the Soul Society. I’m currently rewatching the Espada arc, so I’ll have more of a reminder of peak Aizen. It’s been so many years, I need a refresher.
I hope you had a good Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you. However busy you get with your studies, or adult life in the future, it would be nice if you could still make time for a bit of anime. Even if it’s just a few of the best and brightest of the new generation, as well as rewatches of the classics and your old favourites. I can’t believe we’ve been friends for over six years. The time really flies by. Hopefully, we can still reminisce about anime and old times, in 6 years, and 12 years time. I’ll try to stay active on MAL for as long as I’m physically and mentally able to. I wish you all the best in life ;)
ma bucur ca ti place ce am la favs. DBZ ramane locul 1 pt mine si Vegeta e prea bine scris incat sa nu fie la favs yk))
Love your profile + W Jojo
Mulțumesc pentru accept!
Yeah, I remember the most iconic Naruto OST tracks being remixed with hip hop beats. Senya was definitely one, and there was Pain’s theme, and Sadness and Sorrow, (amongst others) as well. It’s a shame the Boruto anime fell well short of Shippuden. Shippuden had the music, the heartwarming or heart wrenching feels, the emotional grudge matches, the comedy, the thrilling tactical battles, the flashbacks with the ice lolly’s (in some infinite/neverending genjutsu loop) lol.
As from dropping away from keenly following or supporting any battle shounen, tbh there’s not been many new things for me that have even come near the level of peak Shippuden (it seemed so amazing ten years ago). And seeing as I’m getting older, a fair bit older than you are now, I don’t have the appetite for that style of storytelling, anymore. It seems too full of cliches or like retreading old ground, and even just looking at it casually, as escapist entertainment - well, those types of action anime aren’t entertaining or engaging me nearly as much as they used to. Actually, I’ve not been that impressed by much new anime. The things most worthy of a mention would be Dungeon Meshi and Shangri La Frontier. Shangri La is like a new and different take on the SAO virtual gaming experience, and I’m looking forward to season 2 that’s coming next month. I guess my fave shounen anime right now would be the unconventional/more original ones, like: Dr. Stone, Beastars, and the aforementioned Shangri La Frontier.
How long have you been rewatching Shippuden for, and when did you start? How’s it been the second time around for you? What would be your personal new big three at the moment (your fave new/recent ongoing/continuing anime)? My new big three would be: The Apothecary Diaries, Dungeon Meshi, and Shangri La Frontier - and thankfully, they all have second seasons on the way. As for my personal older (ongoing/continuing anime) big 3 franchises, well, I’d have to say: Overlord, Dr. Stone, and SAO. Hopefully, there are still some more good things/interesting things to come from those 3.
My first anime were the two Ghost in the Shell SAC seasons, and it was my first tentative step into anime, when I hadn’t a clue about it, or where to start/what things might be suitable for me. A few months after that, much to my surprise at the time, I started to get sucked into watching the original Bleach anime late at night, and that was the first major anime/well-known franchise I got caught up in. I still really like and respect the Ghost in the Shell franchise. I’m sad it’s not as popular as it should be/could be. I was happy to hear a new GITS project has been announced, though.
I’ve heard some good things about the Boruto manga, and from people who have been very sceptical or critical of the anime. I only got to episode 15, and up until that point the only highlight to speak of, had been some semi-comical Chocho scenes. The action seemed tame and the tension non-existent, and the only drama was whether Boruto should have another burger or not. Maybe, it gets better as it goes on, but I don’t think I will be able to give it more of an opportunity than the 15 episodes I’ve already seen. Also, I’m steering clear of the battle shounen (making a definite choice to), except for the new Bleach.
Yeah, the new Overlord movie is something to look forward to, especially as Season 4 was (perhaps) the best yet. I’ve seen the first Re:Zero season 3 times, and it’s never really gone down great with me. There are moments I enjoy, or characters like Beatrice (I suppose) that I like seeing/hearing, but overall, it’s not one that I particularly love. I’ll rewatch the 2nd season (for the first time) as a prelude to the new one (before it airs), and that’s as fair a chance as I can possibly give it. It’s still a decent enough franchise for me to give it the benefit of the doubt, and be interested enough to want to watch the new one. I’d put it in an upper-middle tier, together with Grimgar. That’s upper-middle tier related to my personal enjoyment, though. Maybe, Re:Zero is a top-tier show regarding/related to popularity, community respect/esteem, and production values - irrespective of its content/writing, or a viewers personal reaction to it.
As for Oshi no Ko, well, it’s a bit of strange one to describe. It fuses reincarnation, with the showbiz/acting industry, pop idol singers/groups, and a murder mystery at the center of it all. The artwork is top-tier and the dialogue is more convincing/engaging and well-written than most. There’s not so much action in it, but seeing as you’ve moved onto new horizons anime-wise, it might be worth checking out. Have a look at the first triple length episode, to see if it’s suited to you or not. If you don’t feel it’s for you, you can leave it there.
We didn't get to see Rukia's most formidable and special skill at its peak (more Chappy Rabbit drawings), but we did get to see her perfected bankai, in TYBW season 2. That's at least, some consolation :)
Shutara has become one of my new faves as well, and the moves she pulled out (to put away 4 elite Sternwritters) were pretty darn cool and impressive, as far as action fantasy superpower series go. For me, it was a more awesome spectacle than anything in KnY, and that's seen as the peak action series for the current generation.
As for NGNL, I think at this time, it's a 50/50 chance that a sequel will ever appear. There's been large gaps between sequels of some other biggish things (Bleach, Tanya the Evil, Log Horizon, Madoka Magica). Maybe they will do something different with the sequel, like split it into multiple parts or movies. The longer the wait goes on, the more its popularity seems to fade away. I remember it being in the top 10 (popularity) when I first joined MAL. While isekai has become one of the most predominant genres in recent times, I've not been overly impressed by that many of them. For me, NGNL (art and aesthetics-wise) and Overlord (world-building and content-wise) and still the pinnacles of the genre.