I am currently re-watching and reevaluating everything I've watched so far, which is gonna take a couple months.
Rating Scale Overview
There is no such thing as "perfection", as it's subjective term. However, there are titles that remain beloved by the many and cherished by the few. The titles that are in this category are the ones that I personally cherish from the bottom of my heart. They have given me an experience, a memory, that I can never forget no matter how hard I try or how old I get. These are in my opinion, the best titles you could ever experience in your lifetime and I recommend you watch or read them before you die. You might love these titles as much as me, and you might not. Regardless, it doesn't change how much I cherish them.
Among the best pieces of entertainment that the genre has to offer, and in my opinion, these are masterpieces in their own right. Titles that I've thoroughly enjoyed due to factors such as their amazing characters, storyboard, writing, directing, music, art, and overall enjoyment . There are very minor issues with these stories and if there are any, they can be easily disregarded due to how perfect everything else is. These are pieces of entertainment that should be enjoyed and loved by the many. Easily recommendable no matter who it is.
These are titles that are exceptional in their own right. They may have minor issues, but the positives within these titles far outweigh the negatives. They utilize their arsenal very well and seldom disengage you from the story. These are titles that not many can say that they outright dislike, and regardless of who dislikes them, nobody can disagree that these are memorable titles. These are titles that set the bar for their respective genres, and are what other works should strive to become. Highly recommended to give these a view.
Good titles that are memorable and recommendable. These titles do have noticeable issues but they tend to be disregarded since these issues don't really interfere much with the viewing experience. Titles that I can't say that I regret having watched even if I were to view them for a second time. Generally speaking these titles have positives such as good characters, storyboard, writing, directing, music, art, and overall enjoyment. While some of these titles may have clichés, they set themselves apart from the rest of the fodder and define themselves as individual pieces within their own respective genres. These are solid, consistent, pieces of work that may not have defined the bench mark for their genres, but were still executed pretty well. Definitely recommend giving these a view.
These are decent titles. They have positive aspects that outweigh the negatives, but the negatives do have the potential to interfere with the overall viewing experience. Promising titles that feel somewhat lackluster due to something being amiss during the viewing experience. As a time waster you wouldn't really regret watching these titles, but as an artform these titles have something lacking which blocks them from being something truly good. With that being said, these are titles that I can recommend to people that might like what they have to offer.
These are in my opinion, ok. They aren't bad, but they aren't good either. These are titles that sadly remain in the realm of mediocrity due to issues such as; wasted potential, standard concepts, neglected fundamentals, too ambitious for provided content, limited enjoyment, and etc. Whatever the case may be, these titles always find themselves around the middle of the spectrum. Depending on the audience however, these titles have the potential to hover above or below. So there's no harm in watching these to decide whether or not you like them better than I have.
Titles with poor execution. Titles that tend to suffer from more negatives than positives during the viewing process. They don't really tackle their themes well and most end up resorting to things such as sensationalized content, plot twists, trite storylines, and shock value as compensation to hold your attention. It's definitely possible to enjoy these titles, but as a whole they don't offer much to the audience.
These are titles that failed in what they were trying to accomplish. A lot of these titles tend to be one trick ponies that offer you nothing else. Generally speaking, they've done a poor job with everything else that doesn't concern the "highlight". That "highlight" tends to be a theme, tone, or value that the title takes throughout the entire viewing experience. It's possible to enjoy these titles if you just glue your eyes on the "highlight", but if you don't, you're gonna want to burn them.
These titles are shit, period. They commit almost every single cardinal sin known to the anime, manga, and light novel community. They fail in almost every single category; characters, storyboard, writing, directing, music, art, and overall enjoyment. Most of these tend to be blatant cash grabs with no soul or effort put into them. It's still possible to enjoy these titles, but you would have to somehow dodge the torrent of shit that comes with it.
There's no reason for these titles to exist, like, at all. The only justification for the creation of these titles would be to use them as a form of ethical torture because I chose to watch them to the end. These titles are so bad that nobody in their right mind could disagree that there's not something wrong with it, it's impossible. The only course of action is to get the physical copies of these titles purified at a shrine, burned to ash, then sealed in a box. Nobody should be subjected to this evil.
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