Welcome to my extra-friendly profile!!! I am willing to accept (almost) any friend request, but if we get to talking and I realize you are crass and rude towards others, you're gonna be out the door faster than Usagi when she realizes she's late for school. You might have figured out that my favorite anime is Sailor Moon. It always has been, even when I was a little boy. Otherwise, I'm pretty open with the animes that I watch, although my two very favorite genres are romance and comedy. I won't watch anything bloody or horror. I still consider myself an anime n00b with a LOT to learn. So if you decide to friend me and you know a lot about anime, I plead that you be patient with me and willing to help me learn. I could always use a new friend and don't be afraid to check out my favorites below!
My Anime Ratings to Date (as of 2/15/2019):
10's: 5
9's: 15
8's: 14
7's: 20
6's: 23
5's: 15
4's: 2
3's: 1
2's: 0
1's: 0
All Comments (80) Comments
Also tbw I see one of the your favorite shokugeki no souma ^^ I have watching it this year ^^ it is really good anime but I feel it was to much, it was like you watching food p*** XD and I wondering why do you like so much? I'm curious XD ^^
Also tbw how are you doing? ^^ long time no see ^^