Suffers from major episodes of insecurity-anxiety attacks that leads him to make slurs against all types of people, black, white, brown, asian, etc. His lack of love and his constant need for attention stems from the union between his prostitute of a mother and cripple of a father. Bred out of wedlock, a bastard by all means, his one goal in life is to receive a hug from a woman that doesn't rot with STDs and AIDS
"Please stop calling me gay, I touched a willy in high school once and it was just a little mistake, please stop calling me gay. I swear I love vagina and I love to touch that pussy. I kissed two girls before and it felt really good because they were women and not men, cause I'm not gay. Penises are for faggots, penises are for gays, penises are disgusting, so please stop calling me gay. I love to have sex with women with big breasts. I don't have sex with men, cause if I did that would make me gay. Please stop calling me gay, you're hurting my feelings. Let me make this clear cause I do not lick willys, I went to summer camp and I touched a girl's boob cause I'm not gay. See me licking that pussy, it feels really good and it feels really gooshy. I do not have proof but swear I've touched a pussy. I like to have sex with cunts, I like to have sex with slits, I like to have sex with coin slots, not fucking dicks. If I had sex with a dick then that would make your point valid, but I love fucking that pussy and I'm not a faggot."
-Doctor Chill 1/20/2001 via discord dms
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-Doctor Chill 1/20/2001 via discord dms