My scoring system:
All Time Favorites
Amazing. Makes me feel or think beyond a 6.
Great. Works that failed to make me feel or think like a 7 and up does, but is still mostly competent.
Fine. Works that are passable. Still okay, but close to being bad.
Bad. Some redeeming qualities, but more bad than good.
Awful. Works that I find offensively bad
-Lines delineate between "categories" of scores. So I consider 10's to be their own category, not compared to anything else. 9's, 8's, and 7's are what I would consider "amazing" and are judged against one another, but not against 10's and 6's.
-I don't usually finish works I dislike, meaning my list would be top heavy. This is why a 4 is still a "good" score.
-I don't like having two separate entries for a second season of one show. There will be a "+ Season 2" in the tags and the score will reflect how I feel about the series as a whole.
-I read too much manga, so I dont feel like adding every series Ive read all 5 chapters of to my reading list. If I added a series, I liked it enough to warrant the effort.
-I havnt finished much completed manga, so my tastes are better reflected in the reading tab.
-I use MAL for TV and Manga only. Movies are on Letterboxed.
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