Maybe there is a way : I know I'm asking a lot so feel free to just say no because i am going to ask a big favour. Could you please take a picture of every page from volume 5 to 9, i don't need them to be high resolution just need to see te words so i can copy them to edit my raws. If you would be this kind, and a little bit crazy, to accept this please feel free to choose a method to send me the pictures.
While writing these I was thinking that taking like 1000 pictures is really too much to be asked but in case it would be a lot easier to take like a chapter a day so it would be like beetween 20 and 30 picture to take sequentially and it would be less than 5 minutes for chapter cause the pictures doesn't need to be perfect the important thing is to be able to read all the text in a page. In this way it would be like 5 minutes a day, I know is anyway something that is been asked from someone that you don't even know but hey let me try :) .
Thank You
Hi, I'm writing because I have seen that you have read Arm Of Kannon. I'm from Italy and the release of it is iterrupted at the 4th volume, i searched a lot for scan but whitout finding them, so i searched for physical volumes but they are very expansive and ship them to Italy is expansive too so i would like to know if you have scan of them or if you read it with a physical copy.
Thank You so much for your time.
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While writing these I was thinking that taking like 1000 pictures is really too much to be asked but in case it would be a lot easier to take like a chapter a day so it would be like beetween 20 and 30 picture to take sequentially and it would be less than 5 minutes for chapter cause the pictures doesn't need to be perfect the important thing is to be able to read all the text in a page. In this way it would be like 5 minutes a day, I know is anyway something that is been asked from someone that you don't even know but hey let me try :) .
Thank You
Thank You so much for your time.