Not much to say, just an average college student. Ask if you really want to know more.
Here's something for all ya nosy people.
I'm a Kira who has lost his Lacus, a Suzaku with out his Euphy, a Knight with no Princess, a hero with no lovely heroine, just a king who has no throne, no queen and no soul...But, I strive to change that. I will win her back...I must, because it is love... just love...and no more then love...
Jackie, I'm sorry. I've been a horrible friend and an even worse person to you. The only thing I wish is that I could go back and right all the wrongs I did! But You and I know that's not possible. I loved you, I always loved you and I always will love you, but Saying it just isn't enough. I know that now. I swear I'll make it up to you, be there for you, be the friend I never was. If you need anything, contact me, and I'll be there. And some day, I hope you can forgive me and all I have done.
I messed up. I know that, but I'm trying to make it right. I had forsaken everything I believed in, everything I held close to me, all my morals and codes and rules for something that wasn't worth it. I had gone to the brink of hell in pursuit of lust, power, money and sin...But she brought me back, her sacrifice was the catalyst for my rebirth, his support was the seed of my recreation, and there combined strength start the resurrection of what will become more then a great man. Let those of divine light and demonic shade cower in the recreation of My True Self. ~Disterian Knight - 025 -
Your missing the point dear, I know I can have a better life, Only I'm pretty happy as of right now.
as for Jackie she has wanted this for 2 years Tim, two years she's been working on this project, and she now has it, that makes her happy. regardless if there is something more for her, she is HAPPY.
that's all I ever wanted for her, for example,( If your tuning me out at least bare with me.) when she was dating you (at the time) she was unhappy hear and there so I just told her leave, but she said she was happy with you and wanted to try harder for the both of you. So I shut up and let her be. I didn't criticize her, I stuck with her, agreeing with her beliefs and idealizes what she wanted in life, If I could I'd help her achieve it at the time. even if I didn't agree with them, you know why Tim? Because I cared about her and I'm her friend, and back then I was someone important to her, I was her sister. We fight over the stupidest things, but I get over it, and even when I was upset with her, I stuck up for her this whole time. why cant you just be happy for her? when you were with her wasn't your main goal, too make her happy? Hun she is happy now, just be the friend that I used to be, be happy for her. Disagree with her QUIETLY. you may not be the sun in her life anymore, but if the sun ever falls, at least be a star she can turn to. I don't understand why you can't just let some one in Tim, Even right now I'm not trying to argue I'm trying to help, but your making it god damn hard.&& quite frankly I don't know why even I try...
I wouldn't care if you said that, everyone else has. Only I have proof that it happened. That's the solid difference between bullshit and reality. Anessa was chicken shit that hid behind a monitor and never showed herself to be more then an ignorant asshole. Which I'd gladly would have taken care of :)
You don't like anime? that's why your on a site dedicated to it and your default is anime huh? Most call that hypocritical dear.. I'm starting to think you don't even know what that word means, cause you use it and toss it around as if your the only one on the planet that isn't.
How can you say whats good for her? so the fact that she is happy has nothing to do with it? as long as your tell her how life could be better to your standards she'll magically be happier? Your doing exactly what you don't like about her BF, wow..You really are the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. "She can live in her lovely little world and be ignorant of the better life she could have if she just opened her eyes." Lets reword that, so Its more correct shall we?
"You can live in your lovely little world and be ignorant of the better life you wish you could have if only you'd just opened your eyes."
You tell me that I DONT understand, that what is TRUELY going on is greater than what an average fuckin teenage boy goes through. You want me to believe that? What a joke, Really Tim? You want to fool people that much? Is your life that boring? Get a puppy. I've dealt with your shit for more than 5 years, and have told you a hundred times, to tell me what goes on in your sick twisted little head, I don’t believe annessa was real, nor GS, I've never seen a real picture of them once, it sounds like you watched too much fucking Gundam, princess, prince, Robots shit to me. You’re the one pushing EVERYONE away from you! You don’t let anyone in EVER! So we can't help you, understand you, or fucking want to talk to you. I honestly believe your making all this fucking shit up. Jackie did to; you’re the biggest hypocrite I have EVER met. YOUR the one that started the whole "You don’t know what it’s like to be truly alone." Bull shit, and then lastly you say it’s not about that? WTF Tim, I've been more than patient with you. Quite frankly I'm done. Leave Jackie and he bf alone. Stop obessing over someone that does want you to go away.
I knew what you told me what that annoying brat annessa (or what ever her face is.) told me. what your supposed other self told me (that you coincidentally don't remember.) so I can only make judgments on what I know. Yes I do know about being alone. Truly alone. Try being taken by your father, the only person to give you attention and the only way I ever got it was when I wanted him to leave me alone, being told your a lair, being pushed aside looked at funny by everyone, standing alone in a court room with no one on my side.
Yeah... She was really special to me, like a sister. She'd always PM me asking how I was, and everything. It made me feel loved... :D
I cant believe it that she's gone.
All Comments (15) Comments
as for Jackie she has wanted this for 2 years Tim, two years she's been working on this project, and she now has it, that makes her happy. regardless if there is something more for her, she is HAPPY.
that's all I ever wanted for her, for example,( If your tuning me out at least bare with me.) when she was dating you (at the time) she was unhappy hear and there so I just told her leave, but she said she was happy with you and wanted to try harder for the both of you. So I shut up and let her be. I didn't criticize her, I stuck with her, agreeing with her beliefs and idealizes what she wanted in life, If I could I'd help her achieve it at the time. even if I didn't agree with them, you know why Tim? Because I cared about her and I'm her friend, and back then I was someone important to her, I was her sister. We fight over the stupidest things, but I get over it, and even when I was upset with her, I stuck up for her this whole time. why cant you just be happy for her? when you were with her wasn't your main goal, too make her happy? Hun she is happy now, just be the friend that I used to be, be happy for her. Disagree with her QUIETLY. you may not be the sun in her life anymore, but if the sun ever falls, at least be a star she can turn to. I don't understand why you can't just let some one in Tim, Even right now I'm not trying to argue I'm trying to help, but your making it god damn hard.&& quite frankly I don't know why even I try...
You don't like anime? that's why your on a site dedicated to it and your default is anime huh? Most call that hypocritical dear.. I'm starting to think you don't even know what that word means, cause you use it and toss it around as if your the only one on the planet that isn't.
How can you say whats good for her? so the fact that she is happy has nothing to do with it? as long as your tell her how life could be better to your standards she'll magically be happier? Your doing exactly what you don't like about her BF, wow..You really are the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. "She can live in her lovely little world and be ignorant of the better life she could have if she just opened her eyes." Lets reword that, so Its more correct shall we?
"You can live in your lovely little world and be ignorant of the better life you wish you could have if only you'd just opened your eyes."
You know me better than that.
Wow, that long? I'm sorry for your loss then, you must have been really close to her.
Yeah... She was really special to me, like a sister. She'd always PM me asking how I was, and everything. It made me feel loved... :D
I cant believe it that she's gone.