Greetings fellow visitor! I'm DiogoAttitude, but you can call me Attitude or just simply Diogo. I'm 28 years old and I hail from the Azores Islands, Portugal.
Full disclosure, nowadays I'm not the biggest anime fan. There was a time that I was fully committed to anime/manga and its various components, be them merchandise, video games, news announcements, etc. However, I started to leave anime out of my life mostly because either lack of motivation to watch them or busy with college life and other endeavours. Also, my taste for anime is quite... limited. That, alongside the reasons I pointed out, kept me out of anime for a great time.
With that being said, I still love anime. No matter how many series I find it quirky, cheesy, over-the-top nonsense, physics defiance... I still can't stop enjoying them. That's the beauty of anime: it takes you to places in your mind that you'd never imagine happening if you watch a mere live-action series or film.
Like I said before, my taste for anime is quite restricted. In a nutshell, I love classic 70's, 80's and some 90's anime. An 'Oldtaku' if you will. My favourite anime series feature several of these characteristics (but not limited to): action, adventure, martial arts, over-the-topness, comedy and manliness. I love action anime that features more fist fights than swords or any other weapon, though the latter I watched several of them and enjoyed fairly.
Now to what anime I don't appreciate and tend to avoid, and I guess many people will either disagree with me or, worse, downright hate me. I dislike mainstream shonen anime. Any anime that is 'shonen' from beginning to end, either with the classic overused tropes that we see in over 9000 series, or even if they use something different but is still mainstream to the core... is something that I don't want to watch. Series like One Piece, My Hero Academy, Hunter x Hunter, Sword Art Online, Demon Slayer, High School DxD, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers... to name a few, either I never touched them or watched a few episodes in the beginning and gave up entirely because I felt bored and not satisfied.
Keep in mind, I DON'T HATE shonen anime because I've watched a good quantity of them during my anime flow years. I watched and love Dragon Ball, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, One Punch Man, these animes are deemed to also be mainstream. So I would be a complete hypocrite if I'd say I never watched any mainstream shonen anime because I did watch them and actually really liked some. It's just that a vast majority of it I tend to avoid, but this is just a personal opinion.
I'm here to share my limited anime knowledge with all of you and to write some reviews. Please no hate comments on my thread or in any thread for that matter. We are here to suport each other in the otaku world, a world that doesn't need to be cruel and unforgiving. Let's all join forces to battle against the prejudice about anime lovers being solitary, sad young people and show them how well articulate, literate and, most of all, great people we are.
I hope that this introduction can tell you a bit about myself when it comes down to anime.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!
Favourite anime: Fist of the North Star
Favourite manga: Steel Ball Run (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Favourite anime-based videogame: Fist of The North Star Lost Paradise
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries14
- Reread0
- Chapters1,462
- Volumes198
All Comments (8) Comments
E claro que sim. Ainda sou fâ do Caddicarus. Um dos meus favoritos reviewers juntamente com o James Rolfe e Nitro Rad.
E sim, estou bem, eu estou agora vendo alguns videos do Caddicarus antes de ir dormir.