Konnichiwa! It been so long since we last updated and yesh! Sc0piigal is back XD and to be honest we need more active admins. :/ Our Creator AngGongkia is wayyyy~~ too busy on her work and private life. So many Events have gone by and i couldnt catch up. Will catch up with them soon. So see you in the club. Cheers!
Note: If you unsubscribed and still got this NL, I apologize for it.
Written by Renkurana
For those wondering why we don't deliver newsletter that often,
we only do it whenever we have something to write about.
It's not really worth sending out newsletter with only a bit of information,
especially if the only thing that's happening are the usual card editions.
But this month, we have something important to talk about:
Male Characters/Bishie Month
Yep, starting in July, we will have a Male Characters/Bishie month.
During that month, all cards editions and their cards will feature only males,
Why? Because ever since Autumn, almost all of our card editions
have featured nothing but female characters and barely any male characters.
It's enjoyable for the male members of the club, but unfair to the female members.
So, July will be dedicated to both our female staff and the female members.
Hopefully, you girls will be happy with what we decided c: Guys, you're more than welcome to join :3
Here's the club editions we'll be doing in July:
July 2nd - Butlers
July 9th - Dramatical Murder
July 16th - Shirtless Guys
July 23rd - Kuroko no Basket
July 30th - Yaoi
There are also solos and collabs that will be done at random times.
As usual, remember to keep an eye on the club.
editions may be postponed based on our schedule
Card Edition Participation for Members
Those that visited the club comments should know what this is about. Key note: This is not a confirmed event yet. Why?
Because we want to know if anybody is interested at all.
This idea is adapted from Celilia and her club, Celilia's Wonderland.
Some of you old members may remember it, It's a monthly thing she did.
Basically, each month, there's a specific them that is picked by the staff.
Both staff and participating members would make cards based on that theme.
That's pretty much the basic info for now since we haven't decided whether to have it or not.
However, we can't do it unless the members are interested in participating with it.
So how do we find out how many people are interested? In the coming week,
I'll have a thread with more details on it and you guys can let me know if you're interested or not.
You can even suggest themes for us to do, which would make it easier on us to figure the theme.
Any questions or concerns with it, feel free to PM me.
Other news
Raffle Event: During the 2nd half of July, we'll have a raffle again.
The prizes will mostly likely be the same, but we'll try to add more.
More information to come during July
Staff Recruitment: Here's our thread.
We changed so that you don't need any prior experiences with card making.
However, you must be willing to improve over time in both card making and graphics.
Speaking of staff, we have new and returning staff members.
So yeah, we plan to be more active now, especially since it's the summer break.
Past Editions Thread: It will not open this month due to various IRL stuff.
Club Activity: Some of you have expressed concerns about the activity
within our club, especially the club comments. The only thing I'm saying about this is:
it takes both the staff and members to keep the club active. Us staff can only do so much.
The rest us up to you members if you want to help keep the club active or not.
That's all the news for now. Any news that we have later on will be announced in the club.
If you want to unsubscribe, contact Renkurana[/spoiler]
Note: I (Renkurana) lost my updated list of those that unsubscribed before so if you did
and got this NL, I apologize for it and let me know that you want to be taken off.
Written by Renkurana
Club Updates
In April, we'll be having our Club Anniversary month with some events.
Almost everything that we do, from card editions to claims to other things
will be Touhou and Youkai related. Though I believe it'll be Touhou heavy c:
We may have some non-Touhou/Youkai stuff going on, but for the most part,
expect most of the stuff we do is related to Touhou and Youkai.
One of the events we'll have is a banner competition.
We postponed it several times to various factors but we can now do it.
Information about it will be released on a thread during the month.
Anyone is welcomed to join and we'll give a generous time duration for the event
so that all of the participants can take their time on it.
Also, make sure you participate in our card editions, because.....
we'll have a mini-raffle based on it. VIP badges will be among the prizes.
It may not be much but it'll grant you some of the benefits my staff gets,
including more cards. We also have new benefits that'll take effect in April.
Touhou Collection
Starting in April, we'll doing a project that'll last all year, maybe more.
We don't want to spoil the surprise so you'll have to drop by the club.
We can tell you that just about every Touhou characters will be involved.
So for those that likes Touhou, or I suppose, has to collect everything,
make sure you drop by the club starting in April.
Staff Recruitment
We've revised our club requirement for those interested in joining the staff.
The requirements are:
1) Stay active as possible (doing editions, talking in the staff chat, etc)
2) No leeching (especially this)
Other than those 2 requirements, there are no other requirements
It doesn't matter where you're good at making cards or want to learn,
everyone is welcomed to join. Of course, we can only accept a limited amount of people.
I like to keep a small staff since it's much easier to keep track of everyone and their works.
As for club edition requirements, we don't have one at all.
Basically, you work at your own pace, at your own freedom-ish.
You can do as little you want, as long as you follow rule #2.
For those interested, visit this thread.
At this time, we can't offer much other than the Card Maker and Claim Maker position.
If you have any other position in mind, I'm open for discussion.
However, there are 2 position that won't be available at all: Inviter and Deliverer
We already have someone doing a great job at inviting and the rest of us
are able to deliver our own cards. And we rarely do newsletter.
Also, it's recommend to have some Touhou knowledge, but not required.
Card Editions
March 5th- Green v.2
March 12th- Sealing Club (1700 SE)
March 19th- Tails
March 26th- Imperishable Night
We won't tell you the exact editions but they will be Touhou/Youkai
You'll have to visit the club to find out during the month c:
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!! I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
Club Updates
Been a while since I've sent out a newsletter, probably 2 months or more.
This time though, I have some stuff to talk about.
First off, with school pretty much starting for some people, like me,
the club may be less active. Although from what I'm seeing right now for September,
it's gonna be more active than the summer break in terms of card editions.
We also have some new staff members to help me and my current staff out.
Though we're able to work with our current size, if you're interested in joining,
send me a PM and we can talk about it. Though, only Card Maker position is available atm.
Claim maker....maybe. It's open for discussion.
As for events, we have one coming up: Mystery Cards. So it's self-explanatory.
However, some of the cards have a little extra prize behind them.
And for the first time since the Attendance Check event, we're giving out VIP badges.
They give extra benefits when you use them, hence why it's rare to get.
How to get them? You'll have to join first and then.....hope you be the one to get it.
I also would like as many people as possible to help keep the club active.
Whether you play the thread games or talk on the club comments, it's up to you.
Those that are doing so already, I like to thank you all for doing so.
And that should be it for now. Any club announcement I have after this newsletter,
I'll announce it on the club comments. So drop by the club whenever you can.
Club Editions
September 4th - Loli
September 9th - Red Leaves
September 15th - Flying
September 21st - Eyepatch
September 26th - Hoodie
September 30th - 1400+ SE (Reimu Hakurei)
Editions and/or edition dates are subject to change.
Club Updates
Some exams left but we should be free from school in a week or so.
We'll be having a mini-event or two. Something to keep the club active.
More details on it later on in a future thread made by my crew.
Also, some of you have asked about joining the staff.
Despite summer vacation coming, we don't plan to add anybody atm.
Me and my Crew will all be more active during the break, so we can handle more stuff.
However, we do have a wait list so in the event that we require more,
we'll be going on that list first, before going public with it.
We may also have something else but that'll be TBD by us.
Any new updates, I'll announce it on the club comments.
Club Editions
June 3rd - Mask LE
June 7th - Bubbles LE
June 11th - Loli SE
June 15th - Animal Ears SE
June 19th - Twintails LE
June 25th - Flying LE
June 29th - Scissors LE
❙❚ Easter Is Here!
Celebrate this holiday with us in our MAL-wide Easter Egg Hunt!
This amazing scavenger hunt starts on April 14,
so get your eagle eyes ready~
❙❚ A Change in Our Delivery Thread System
From now on, RACE NL will announce when a card maker
adds to the card delivery thread,
so we will let you know when your cards are ready for pickup. :)
❙❚ Currently Open Claims
Our special Claim Week event is still ongoing!
Remember, a new claim opens everyday. Don't miss out!
+ Claim a Character
❙❚ Upcoming Card Editions
April 16: Suits
April 20: Easter Special Edition
+ don't forget to check in frequently for random editions :)
SPECIAL[RACE]NEWS Get excited! Random Anime Cards Emporium will be hosting a brand new event: C L A I M W E E K
Details are to follow. But, basically, there will be a claim opening everyday for two weeks.
It all starts on April 1. ( this is NOT an April Fool's joke )
It is definitely something not to be missed!
❙❚ Brought to you by Billy and the Claim Makers ❙❚
All Comments (650) Comments
Konnichiwa! It been so long since we last updated and yesh! Sc0piigal is back XD and to be honest we need more active admins. :/ Our Creator AngGongkia is wayyyy~~ too busy on her work and private life. So many Events have gone by and i couldnt catch up. Will catch up with them soon. So see you in the club. Cheers!
Current ongoing Cards
National Lipstick Day LE
Mid-Autumn Festival 2016 SE
Chibi Wars
Note: If you unsubscribed and still got this NL, I apologize for it.
Written by Renkurana
If you want to unsubscribe, contact Renkurana[/spoiler]
Note: I (Renkurana) lost my updated list of those that unsubscribed before so if you did
and got this NL, I apologize for it and let me know that you want to be taken off.
Written by Renkurana
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
Written by Renkurana
★ Newsletter Delivery from Myouren Temple ★
Written by Renkurana
Get excited! Random Anime Cards Emporium will be hosting a brand new event:
Details are to follow. But, basically, there will be a claim opening everyday for two weeks.
It all starts on April 1.
( this is NOT an April Fool's joke )
It is definitely something not to be missed!
❙❚ Brought to you by Billy and the Claim Makers ❙❚
please click hereto see the full newsletter