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Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
Apr 6, 2024 3:12 PM
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Days: 86.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries310
- Reread0
- Chapters11,722
- Volumes1,153
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Chichi wa Eiyuu, Haha wa Seirei, Musume no Watashi wa Tenseisha.
Sep 24, 2023 9:51 AM
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All Comments (19) Comments
Ummmmmo, what news do we have? Ah! I know! We have banners now!!!! They were made by the wonderful Deamanga-san. They are hiding themselves under a spoiler button on the club page (see if you can find them =P). Just copy and paste the code under the ones you want. Oh! But don’t forget to delete the **** or you won’t be able to see the pic!
Like always we have a new picture in the game up for guessing, so pop in and see if you know who it is. Ahaha it’s hard to believe there are so many different characters out there!
Ah! And I am looking for someone to help with making badges for the club! So, if any of you are good with gimp or just want to try give it a go! I promise I won’t bite you!!! …….ok. I might bite you, but it won’t be because of your editing skills. I promise n__n
Well, I guess that’s all that I have to say! Thanks for your time *bows and runs*
So. Hmmmm where to start, where to start? Well I guess the best way would be to announce that we officially have 50 members!!!! YAYYYY *throws streamers*
With that being said I would like to thank all of you for joining ^__^
As always, there is a new picture in the Character Game and this time it’s a doozie! So, I wish you all the best of luck cause I have no idea what it is :)
Oh! Final announcement then I swear I’m done bugging you! We have our new layout! Drop in, take a look, and tell me what you think!!! Next thing I hope to get done is a new pic for the main profile.
So, I’ll leave you guys alone now! Thank you for your time *bows and runs away*
Oh, please world, like you weren't bizarre enough before. XD Ska börja sändas i typ februari om du är intresserad, jag tror konceptet kommer vara en SUPERIDÉ.
... eller?
*dies again*
Alright. To start us out, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Please take care of me this year too *bows*
Next I’ve got a few announcements. First of all, there is a new picture in the “Guess this Character Game” on the forums. I promised a cookie to anyone who guessed it, but nobody seemed interested =(……so I kinda ate them all……oops
Secondly, we are going to be getting a new layout really soon as a kick off to the new year and something of a celebration for getting 50 members! We’re almost there!
Finally, I am also working on membership cards. We have a forum open for anyone else who would like to post a template. So if you have talent or just want to try please feel free to do so!
Well, that’s all! Arigatou minna n__n
Jag vet förresten inte ens om jag är särskilt kompis med världen för tillfället. Här har man sparat och stått ut, visat prov på stor självbehärskning (nåja, oftast) och bara allmänt VÄNTAT på att kunna läsa manga av hjärtans lust. Och nu, när egen bostad och internetuppkopling hägrar bara några veckor bort, vad händer? Jo, de STÄNGER NER SKITEN. *not amused*
Seriöst, jag gillar det inte. Nu har jag ju inte engagerat mig speciellt i att leta ersättare till onemanga, men vart läser du? Mangafox litar jag inte längre heller eftersom de tog bort Monster när jag bara hade några kapitel kvar. Grr. Min dröm om att ligga uppe till tre på nattten och läsa manga i sängen. Kras.
Anyways, Erin som jag redan tipsat om är väldigt myisg, lugnt tempo, natur, men ändå spännande. Man får försöka se förbi den "barnsliga" animationen. Annars finns det ju en fortsättning om du inte märkt, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou. Kan inte komma på något mer just nu.
Hoppas du njuter av ditt sommarlov. :)
Först och främst. Oofuri. SE DEN. ÄLSKA. DYRKA. FANGIRL. Kan ses här.
Sen har vi även Erin, Aoi Hana, Zombie-Loan, Itazura na Kiss, Princess Tutu, Fruits Basket och Cardcaptor Sakura.
De tycker jag alla är en varierande grad av bra. Tror inte du sett/läst någon av dem. Nu ska jag animetipsa Ashley!! ^^ (vilket du också borde göra, eftersom ni bevisligen båda har lika förfärlig smak som avgudar Chobits)
Tomorrow shit is going DOWN! ("shit" being final grade in economics) XD *is on the wrong side of insanity*
There.The sole reason that I watch CLANNAD, so that I can see the second season. It's even the no. 1 most popular here.
Unbelievable. -_-'
And after the blood bath comes EFF-REAKIN' EXAMS, and after those all shall be well in the world. Because there will again be time to watch anime and read manga, and all poor little creatures entertaining illusions of grandness and superiority shall be completely obliterated.
Ah. See you tommorrow. ^^
Stop reading manga instead of doing school work THIS INSTANT! You are doing irreversible damage to your grades, your eyes and my mental health! (not listed in order of importance)
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