Yo visitor! Since you are here I'll talk to you about what you will find here!
First I will talk about me, for you to know some things about me. Then I will talk about my favorite thing about anime like: Anime characters and anime :3! I will also talk talk about the anime and anime characters I really hate. At the end I will talk about the club I'm in! Hope you enjoy the tour!
Hi! My name is Diego and I'm from Panama! I started watching anime since I am like 8 years old. At the beginning I wasn't a real anime fan, but now I am! My favorite hobbies are:
1. Watching anime ( I can watch like 25 eps per week)
2. Playing sports! (Basketball and Soccer)
3. Playing the piano and I will start playing the violin soon.
4. Hanging with friends
5. Gaming
Monthly Anime Club Announcement
Due to some complications, we have to change how we handle our Newsletter slightly. So now we have a thread to sign up for our Newsletter to receive a notifications when it comes out. Click this link to visit the sign up thread for more info: http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1514585
And as requested here is an explanation on how to post them to your profile:
You can either simply put the image urls into a code like this:
[img]URL HERE[/img]
Or if you want to have them include a link back to the club when you click them, copy paste these into your Profile:
All Comments (8) Comments
Due to some complications, we have to change how we handle our Newsletter slightly. So now we have a thread to sign up for our Newsletter to receive a notifications when it comes out. Click this link to visit the sign up thread for more info:
And as requested here is an explanation on how to post them to your profile: