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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Sep 16, 2017 9:42 AM
Watching -/64 · Scored -
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Jul 3, 2016 6:58 AM
Completed 26/26 · Scored 8
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
May 28, 2016 10:05 AM
Watching 83/148 · Scored 10
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Mar 13, 2016 10:26 AM
Reading 23/162 · Scored 10
Jan 28, 2016 5:50 AM
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Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul
Jan 28, 2016 3:29 AM
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Dawizz Jan 20, 2023 6:37 PM
One less woke idiot polluting this site. R.I.P
NextUniverse Apr 15, 2022 11:29 AM
Cristhian318 Apr 16, 2021 6:54 PM
Caelidesu Jan 8, 2018 8:17 AM
I wanted you to know that since I've been mostly antagonistic towards Godreligion to you, that I've found some people who have challenged my beliefs quite strongly. When I found out that the meaning of polytheism has been twisted and passed down as a lie to form atheist arguments such as "one god further", I was pretty shocked and am now seeing the harm of "atheism" today, which isn't lack of beleif in God, another lie. There's more but the example above should be enough to see what I mean.

Whoever passed down these lies is the ultimate evil, and has done nothing for progress. It's too late on mass to fix the problem, and I still have hundreds of questions feeling that there's also lies that have come under the guise of religious truth; but this is ok now. Passing down dishonest premises for people who are honest and have good intentions scared me, and I'm trying to leave that behind.

Hope I haven't caused any doubt or anything, seriously.

Re-reading that has been really grounding for me. I sincerely appreciate your honesty even now and wish you all the best for the future.
Comic_Sans Dec 24, 2017 3:05 PM
Aqutan Nov 4, 2017 11:47 AM
Rick and Morty sucks.
JustaCrat Apr 24, 2017 5:49 AM
Hello. I invited you to a club. Will you consider joining?
Trance Mar 21, 2017 3:24 PM
LMFAO that video. I actually used to listen to Hitchens even when I was a Muslim. He was a titan of clear and free thought.
Trance Mar 20, 2017 3:13 AM
I should put that quote in my about me sometime.
GenesisAria Mar 19, 2017 1:33 PM
Theism is a human contrivance. We project our personified viewpoints on nature and paint our face on the cosmos to try and understand it.

I mean, the clues are everywhere for that... Here's an arbitrary example:
神(used as "Kami" in japanese) made of 礻(cult, could possibly infer that it means something enshrined or deified, a reference to opinion?), and 申(extend/explain) which is made from 曰(口 mouth + 一 making "one utterance, aka say") and 丨(line/path); related to 田(farm/structure) 中(through, as 口+丨), making this mean "structured deification", essentially spiritualism or religion. One could also infer this means "will to organize", mind/soul to structure.

Many philosophical attempts to define a number of religions, including approaching the most archaic of writings for the sake of denotative translation, result in "god" meaning "the word" or "to name", aka the greek logos (λόγος)

The heavens(sky) and earth came from the nameless mother-substance by god (logos). The nameless mother-substance is often called æther, and it became real because we were able to name it / identify it / discover it as real. It was brought into existence by self-identification, naming, seeing itself, scientifically referred to as polarization.

If you change all translations of "god" into "logos" everything starts to make sense. it's not about beliefs, it never was, it's about understanding truth and the nature of the universe.

...Addressing biological life is not something that can be done easily at this point. Life is made of substance, but if you don't understand the substance, you can't hope to understand life. For example, the reasons why golden ratio is dominant everywhere in the universe, and excessively apparent in biology. Biology is the most complicated and directive structure we know of in the universe, followed only by plasma physics.

1/Φ^-3 (Φ as golden ratio) is the expression of the loss of inertia, the curvature that defines the spiral, as seen in it's primary driver here:

That is a picture of a magnet under a ferrocell (a ferrocell is just ferrofluid between 2 pieces of glass with a string of led's around the periphery), and that pattern is a hypotrochoid drawn via golden ratio.

Golden ratio is everywhere because magnetism is everywhere, magnetism is everywhere because golden ratio is everywhere. It's a law of nature which has been finally proved.

Logos is the process of nothing becoming something, the αόριστος δυάς ("indefinite dyad") is the process of infinite division (which is what happens when you break up magnets, they all become smaller magnets, and is also the process in something is polarized, and then each polarization polarized, to make a compound binary system), and the ἀνάγκη (approx. "necessity") is the unavoidable causality in which these dyads form to, which eventually results in galaxies, planets, starts, planets, seas, and life, with an electrical current binding them all into a unified fractal system.

The entire premise for theism is a contrivance originating from an original misunderstanding.
GenesisAria Mar 19, 2017 12:43 PM
I do have a twitter:
But i haven't used it in some time, and won't go back to using it until i have more concise package-ready information i can send in small statements or pictures.

I'd never use twitter for conversations, just for posting random info.

I'm an independent study of field theory and in a quest to understand the nature of the universe... Rectifying ontological topics such as theism is necessary along that path.
Trance Feb 1, 2017 7:52 AM
Not for getting laid lol. I was talking about the ticket, the residential expenses, etc.
Trance Jan 31, 2017 12:34 PM
LOL. This deserves to be quoted.

Well, who's going to PAY? that's the problem.
Trance Jan 30, 2017 11:22 PM
What the fuck is this lmao

Pls I'm satisfied enough with communist memes
JustaCrat Jan 17, 2017 11:25 AM
Haha, yeah it is pretty funny.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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