*Open up my profile and list on PC for optimal experience. Message me if you're interested having your list designed by me. Promises are but lies kept 'til no longer convenient. And feelings just fleeting experiences as quickly forgotten.
Just your typical loner. Changing that only leads to pain.
The secret to watching so much anime? Life. Anime is just an escape from reality. A shitty life needs constant escape. What do you do when your whole life collapses? When someone steals your dream and you feel like you no longer have a purpose in life? When life spirals down and one thing knocks down another until everything crashes down? Anime. The one solid mountain you can rely on.
Sometimes even an anime a day can't keep the depression away.
How I grade stuff (My overly lenient and way too generous [most times] grading system):
These are basically the animes who made me feel a lot of emotions, the void, or made me learn something. Or I just loved it. 9 - Really Good
Animes I found very enjoyable but didn't give me extreme feelings or suck me in except for how fun they were to watch. 8- Liked it
Self-explanatory 7- Average
Self-explanatory 6- Meh
Self-explanatory 5 and below - YUCK!
Lower the rating the more I hated it, usually tends to be anime I dropped or didn't like cuz of some stupid reason
*This isn't always accurate for every anime since it depends on how I feel so sometimes there are anime I rated a 9 even though I like them more than animes I rated 10. Sometimes I just feel more generous.
You can join the Official MAL API club if you need more help. Just create a new post and describe your problem. Either I or someone else will try to help you.
It should be possible according to the docs, but the option seems to be disabled or unimplemented (it should return a "num_times_rewatched" parameter, but it's missing).
Hey! You can access the re-watch status of a series. You just need to add the "my_list_status" option to the "fields" query parameter. This works for both the "Get user anime list" and "Get anime details" API endpoints. E.g.:
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Hey! You can access the re-watch status of a series. You just need to add the "my_list_status" option to the "fields" query parameter. This works for both the "Get user anime list" and "Get anime details" API endpoints. E.g.:
GET https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/users/@me/animelist?fields=my_list_status
If "my_list_status[is_rewatching]" is set to "true", then you're currently re-watching that series.