I am DiaWulf, but it is alright to call me whatever you want - may it be Dia, Wulfy, Brah, Bro, Idiot, etc. I am alright with anything, as long as it isn't meant as a serious insult, pfft.
I love fantasy light novels and prefer to read mangas/light novels/web novels over watching anime, as .... I dunno. I just do. //le shrug//
I am a pretty chill person, that is often sarcastic and "serious" and yet still manages to be the boke, instead of the tsukkomi. Yep. I just used those uber nerdy terms. Praise me. //killed// Ahem. Where was I again? Oh ye. I also love to play games such as IB, The Witch's House, Mad Father, The Forest of Drizzling Rain and even such games as Persona 3. Hope we get along, ye?
Long story short:
Have a good day. With great tea. And great mangas to read ... and you would surely share with me, neeeee?
Dia out! Woooh~
All Comments (21) Comments
Nope :D (so what are u going to watch now?)
im glad u liked it ^^
(only saying its sooooo funny, its sooo funny i bet u will cry so much :D)
//you started Ixion Saga Dt huh//
Yep well i can sell it to a friend if he doesnt have it xD
Cya tomorrow or...
Well when u start watching the comedy ones drop me a msg or comment ^^
nah i dont like reading them from my computer i dunno its because
when i was young i would read comics i got like 200+ of them xD
Guess ill try to buy a popular manga and see if i like manga in general lel
Im going to sleep have to wake up early ^^
Im going to sleep have to wake up early ^^
Internet made me hate them xD dunno why