We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
Ponytail/Pigtail fan club has been inactive these past years due to the inactivity of the admins. The creator is no longer active, as well. However, the club, with 900+ members has a lot of potential and it would be a waste to leave it alone. I've decided to take the initiative to help the club get back on its feet again. In order to do this, I would need help from as many members as possible. Let's help each other keep the club alive~! Below you would be able to see how you can help us. Thank you for taking your time in reading this letter and I hope you understand the situation.:)
--- xx--xx ---
Some threads are renewed in order to start fresh~ :)
Staff Recruitment is now open here! Positions Available: Recruiter/s, Courier/s, List Updater, Card Makers, Layout Makers, Event Manager and Game Manager.
❅Secret Santa 2012 has started!
It'll end on Christmas day, so hurry up and go grab your Christmas goodies now!!
❅Christmas LE will be starting today or tomorrow, so stay tuned.
❅Lastly, go check out the banner competition and vote!
This Time we came here to tell you that we are making some changes on the way you will be receinving the newsletters.
Due to members of the BMCC - Newsletter Team, and my self as well not having the time to deliver the news, in a mass way as we have been sending it, I decide to make the newsletter delivery via Subscription.
Meaning that this will be the last mass Message that we are going to deliver, and we are starting to send the news to only those who sign for the newsletter
Since we didn't have the time to deliver the Newslleter from March Editon to All user send it now, So sorry for any unconvinience.
The news that we were going to tell you in the March edition was about the Fullbriger LE, that you could have requested here, if we had delevered the newslleter to you correctly.
For those who are mad for not being able to request the cards, due to my late delivery i am deply sorry, and if you want some kind of compenssation, i have created a Thread Called BMCC - Newsletter Team - Complaints Thread
Nothing More to Add, i will just lett you know that we are still looking for people to help manage the club, so we come here again requesting help to manage the club.
We still need people with free time and able to help at these job listed below:
Card Maker/LE/SE/RE/etc
Layout Maker
Banner Maker
etc ...
If you by any chance are interested in taking part in any job listed above, please go to this following thread Help Needed and applie yourself to the work you want to help with
Once Again i am sorry for any Unconvinience.
If you have any problem, or anything to suggest, feel free to comment in the club itself, or to contact one of Club's Admins. We won't slay you in half :)
~ Stay Well, BMCC staff team and BMCC - Newsletter Team Head~
We are approaching another special season of the year, for many it is the time to be with their loved one for other is time to once again look to the mirror and say "Am I that Ugly and fat that no one wants me".
Yes, you guessed it right ... it is almost Valentines day, so the staff of the club decided to make something for the members of the club to celebrate this special date for some people
So to celebrate this upcoming date the staff made so presents in form of cards, meaning that on the Feb 14th the couples and also the nun couples will be able to request LE cards with Valentine day as it's theme, and you may request it at this thread Valentine's Day LE
We also are reminding you of the games of the club that are list bellow.
Now as you may no from the previous newsletter we are in short of people to help manage the club, so we come here again requesting help to manage the club.
We still need people with free time and able to help at these job listed below:
Card Maker/LE/SE/RE/etc
Layout Maker
Banner Maker
Newsletter delivery team
etc ...
If you by any chance are interested in taking part in any job listed above, please go to this following thread Help Needed and applie yourself to the work you want to help with
If you have any problem, or anything to suggest, feel free to comment in the club itself, or to contact one of Club's Admins. We won't slay you in half :)
All Comments (123) Comments
We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
I hope you plan on watching it, since you seem like a fellow Itachi fan^^ Seems pretty cool.
Have a nice day.
(Sorry, I'm just excited and like informing people now. lol)
❅Secret Santa 2012 has started!
It'll end on Christmas day, so hurry up and go grab your Christmas goodies now!!
❅Christmas LE will be starting today or tomorrow, so stay tuned.
❅Lastly, go check out the banner competition and vote!