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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Jul 22, 2010 3:08 PM
Completed 64/64 · Scored -
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero
May 30, 2010 10:57 AM
Completed 26/26 · Scored -
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
May 30, 2010 10:57 AM
Completed 150/150 · Scored -
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Strong Feb 15, 2020 4:14 PM
Diangelo18 Feb 7, 2020 7:51 PM
DarkNighty Oct 24, 2012 12:03 PM

Na forum polskiego klubu One Piece powstał nowy temat z grą forumową pt. "Wybij coś". Zachęcam do wejścia i sprawdzenia, o co chodzi ;)
Tailee Jun 15, 2012 3:28 AM

:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hey there everyone! How are you doing?? We are writing you to inform you all of a few things!
• This is an occasional newsletter, sent to every club's member but with no frequence at all. You could receive it once in a month or even less.
So a little memo: if you'd like to receive a regular newsletter (usually weekly) about the club's activities and what's not, you can sign up here!
• We've recently opened a brand new claim, it has a bi-weekly frequence and is quite particular,
take a look!
• Also a brand new category.5 has been opened too!
• Same goes with the usual weekly normal category topic. About this, we also wanted to let you know that the next category might exceptionally open this incoming sunday rather than the usual monday, so you might want to keep an eye on the club ;3

That's it for now, we wish you to have a great day!
Come to pass by and visit the club every now and then!
We'll keep you posted with the regular newsletter!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!

Akuto May 10, 2012 10:02 PM

Angelatte Apr 25, 2012 6:19 PM

:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hello everyone! How are you doing? This is C.C.O. talking 8D
Some of you are still active in the club but to those who are not, it might seem a long time since our last announcement.
Although this is surely the first time we send you a big newsletter since the mass messages have been taken off from MAL a couple of years ago.
You might probably know this already but we just wanted to be sure to inform you that our club is still alive :D
Actually, it never went inactive in the past years and we are proud to say that we are older than two years (half way to the third actually!) and we'd like you to be active again in the club, so feel free to pass by anytime if you still have interests and fun in claiming ;D
That said, let's just pass to the curious stuff:
• We have a new main layout made by ahin, with each direct link to related claim topics and claimed list! You can visit the club to take a look!
• The current newsletter is just an occasional one that is sent to all 1000+ members of our club.. Although, we are willing to start sending regular newsletters to members that would like to receive them, so if you'd like to receive more informations just sign up here!
• Also, you can find a summary with useful links at the Claim Menu Navigation topic! We've made this to have more order and un-stick many claimed lists the way to leave the club some breathe. Check it out, maybe you might even find some claim who is new to your eyes ^^
• Little memo for everyone, since more than a year now, we've introduced the Badge System, if you want a banner to be made by Staff you need to be registered in the topic! Also you can find out in the Badge Storage if you've already requested it because there's a list of every member and the link to their already made badge, as well you can see if your post may need to be fixed someway!
Destiny Topic finally reopened after a break and now it's having a new theme! Come to claim if you still didn't have a chance to! It'll probably stay opened until May 10th.
• A recent new claim topic opened: Tribute Reload, it gives the opportunity to everyone who missed a previous tribute in the regular voices topic to claim a role of a Seiyuu they like as well as to claim a different role of a Seiyuu you previously liked to tribute!
• The Category topic is still weekly as always: This week's category is Creatures!
• C.C.O. recently hired a few new persons but we are always looking for anyone that would like to help! Here is the recruit topic if you'd like to volounteer!
• Last, but not least, we are currently having this special game topic who needs anyone to register first, in order to get a gift later ;D

Okay, sorry for the long newsletter but it's impossible to say everything of the last two years in just a few rows! And many things have yet to come!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!
Hypercardiac Apr 18, 2012 6:07 PM

Jay-Czee Apr 5, 2012 2:45 PM

Hello everyone! ~

Live long and prosper,
by Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC's Staff members

Edcetera Feb 12, 2012 2:25 PM

Poniższa wiadomość jest dosyć ważna, więc wysyłamy ją wszystkim członkom klubu. Jeśli chcesz dalej otrzymywać wiadomości o nowościah w Polskim FC FMA, wpisz swój nick w tym temacie.

Dzisiaj mija drugi rok istnienia naszego klubu. :> Z tej okazji rozpoczynamy głosowania na najpopularniejszą postać męską i żeńską!

Od tej pory będą pojawiać się co jakiś czas mecze, rozgrywane między poszczególnymi bohaterami Fullmetal Alchemist. Jeśli chcesz, by to Twoja postać zyskała miano najpopularniejszego bohatera, głosuj!
Postać męska:
mecz 1
mecz 2
mecz 3
mecz 4
Postać żeńska:
mecz 1
mecz 2

Można jeszcze zamawiać karty z limitowanej edycji zimowej i z tej z okazji osiągnięcia liczby ponad 250 członków.
KHR_ring Jan 31, 2012 9:06 AM

Hello everyone ~

KHR! FC Staff ~

miyoku Dec 12, 2011 11:57 AM

Witaj, klubowiczu ^^". Oto kilka nowości w Polskim Fanclubie Fullmetal Alchemist:

Jeśli w dalszym ciagu chcesz otrzymywać od nas komentarze z wszelkimi nowościami w naszym klubie, wpisz się na listę w tym temacie.

Chcesz wiedzieć, jaka postać z FMA jest najbardziej popularna? Weź udział w nominacjach, by móc później brać udział w głosowaniach!

Możesz również zagłosować na Twój ulubiony opening lub ulubiony ending i pomóc nam wybrać ten najlepszy.

Jeśli Twój nick znajduje się na poniższej liście, tutaj czekają na Ciebie karty do odebrania! :>

Edcetera Nov 12, 2011 1:03 PM

Witajcie! W Polskim Fanclubie Fullmetal Alchemist pojawiło się kilka nowości. ^^'

Czas na limitowaną edycję jesienną! Jeśli chcesz zamówić karty - wejdź pod ten link.
W klubie będą się odbywały głosawania na postaci (i nie tylko) w różnych kategoriach. Jeśli masz pomysł na jakąś, pisz w tym temacie.
W dalszym ciągu poszukujemy osób chętnych do robienia kart oraz ogólnej pomocy w klubie. Jeśli jesteś chętny, możesz zgłosić się tu lub w prywatnej wiadomości do mnie.
Jeżeli Twój nick znajduje się poniżej, czekają na Ciebie karty do odebrania pod tym linkiem! ^w^

hikarixikuto Sep 25, 2011 5:43 AM


With love,
KHR! FC Staff ~

SerasAshley Sep 17, 2011 12:45 AM

Recommendation Club Newsletter


1. Nominations and voting:

*Special* Anime theme of the Month
Anime Song of the Month
AMV of the Month


With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!

Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!

We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!

We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
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