Hello fellow MAL member! :D
Are you a movie addict? Or do you enjoy casually watching a movie together with your friends? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about participating in such activities where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and joinThe Cinema Club! ;-)
Såg aldrig klart den senast, blev för mastigt för min dåvarande sinnesinställning. Skulle aldrig få för mig att se om en serie på 110 avsnitt inom mindre än ett år sedan jag senast såg den. Har för mycket osedda serier för det :P
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Are you a movie addict? Or do you enjoy casually watching a movie together with your friends? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about participating in such activities where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and join The Cinema Club! ;-)
Just been watching some awesome Animes that have come out Late '11 Early '12 though! this might be a good year me thinks
Åhå, Legenden om Galaxhjältarna, bra val där.
ello there,
What's up?
Cute picture (:
Now justw aiting for some lazy buggers to hurry up and sub Evangelion 2.0!
I've also had alot of time to spare, my work doesnt need me anymore since it's winter and like no one plays Golf so I'm also looking for a new job.
How you been mate?