Random Bullshit _______________________________________________________________
Random Essay _______________________________________________________________
The human race has reached a moral apocalypse. Racism, discrimination and media brainwashing on television has caused the once stable foundations of society to destroy itself. Besides global warming, overpopulation, and depletion of natural resources, one of the biggest problems in the 21st century is human stupidity, gullibility, and lack of acceptance for other people.
In the world we live in today, the flow of anger and prejudice guides populations towards a destructive direction. Unlike our supposedly more primitive Neanderthal brethren, it is common for the Homo Sapiens of the modern era to randomly murder and hate others for often stupid, unethical, and selfish reasons. Since the time the race of humans gained greater knowledge of their existence, wars have constantly been fought in every generation. Although it is true that a majority of these wars were started because of greed and self indulgence for land and greater prosperity, a larger amount of battles were created due to incorrect interpretations of religious scriptures and failure to gain knowledge about the traditions of other cultures. In the 21st century, wars are mainly fought because of these political misunderstandings. Instead of researching the causes of the actions of other races, human beings instead choose to generalize about other people with little knowledge about the truth.
Not only is this primitive stupidity harmful for those who start it, but it is also dangerous for the entire human race. Wars do nothing but destroy lives, homes, and minds through mental trauma and heavy artillery. They can be started by many things, including a religious disagreement, or even a simple hate statement or remark. Just one ignorant gibe created by an insidious troll is enough to wipe out whole populations through the spread of anger.
Because of the fact that human beings are naturally vengeful creatures, when they are offended by something, which occurs all too often, they have a tendency to strike back with an even greater flare of rage against the initial attacker.
To better explain this, I'll provide an example: Let's say there are two different races of people: Race A and Race B. One day, a person who is a member of Race A, who we'll call Alex, decides to make an angry, stereotyping, remark against every single person who is a member of Race B. Eventually, a member of Race B, who shall be referred to as Bob, stumbles upon that remark through either the internet or some other informational database (information travels fast in the 21st century), and decides to make an even more offensive statement about all Race A people. Sooner or later, Alex would read Bob's statement, and write another comment of greater aggression on Bob's culture in return. This cycle of flaming would continue for an extend period of time, getting more and more violent, and involving more and more people. Eventually, all members of Race A will detest Race B members, and violence of either gang wars involving race, or political wars involving whole countries, would ensue.
Instead of hating, starting false rumors about other people, and murdering others because of their beliefs, country of origin, religion, or culture, human beings must learn how to work and live together on the same planet in harmony. This is indeed a difficult task to perform, as the media, and other organizations of the world, often create false, or bias one-sided reports that do nothing more but beget heedless racism and fear of others. Despite this, it is absolutely necessary for our people and our existence that we put aside our differences, and work together to solve the other, less trivial, problems of the century including global warming, poverty and depletion of essential material for urban life. If we cannot find peace in this situation however, then the race of humans will topple and kill itself.
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Time to marathon bitch.