Well, all you really need to know about me is that I'm a random Russian guy with bad English. :3
Sometimes I might seem to be offensive, but I'm not. Actually I'm very polite and kind person. Very kind. Really. No.
I prefer light comedies and/or titles with very intriguing plot. I'm not really fond of shonen. And I have a weakness for yuri and shoujo-ai. And lolicon. And actually my favourite anime is Boku no Pico.
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Anyway, sorry for the drive-by questioning, it just caught my eye. Have a good one. :)
Anyway, some Italian communities are like Russians, and yes it's so sad. Expecially when users start at "Gilbert is mine!" "Not, Gilbert is just mine! I love him most of you! *hundreds of shining emoticons *" or similar things. Moreover I hate Naruto and "fighters" fangirls/fanboys. xD
However, italian communities are friendly, and most users are nice. Yes, there are unpleasant people, but there's also a lot of fun. xD
Well, some of them reminds me to MAL.
How are Russian anime communities?
And happy birthday!
I see that you've finished it. The ending is a bit weak, isn't it?
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