My PM box is broken;
pls leave a comment, i'm lonely guise~

I only know how to exist when I am wanted,
but girls like me are hardly ever wanted.
Sorry, you must be at least a level 5 friend to unlock tragic back story.
Most stuffs about me
I am a hopeless romantic. I love anything and everything romance. SUCH CUTENESS. asdfghjkl;
I have a tumblr, so my sense of humor may be slightly different than yours. Follow me if you have one? *hinthint*
I don't really come on here much anymore, but please please hit me up on tumblr. I love chatting, I am lonely 101% of the time.
[i]My Tumblr ♥[/i]
Just gonna leave that there. ~~
I'm so cute, why am I single????
All Comments (19499) Comments
What kind of trouble are you having now?
I'm kinda just taking it easy and being lazy as ever. :P
What's up? :3
I now have free time since we are on summer break.