Thank you , Tonikaku kawaii and Golden time are my two favorite romance anime , I think Tonikawai is very nice and beautiful , Nasa and tsukasa is a really great couple , And golden time is a very emotional anime and I appreciate it a lot ... Shinna is a very funny, cute and nice character...
It is also very unusual to see a fan of Ranma1/2, it is a very good anime, although I have not been able to finish it, I plan to do it, you have very good tastes huh....
Uhm and what is your favorite anime?
Hi bin zufällig auf dein Profil gestoßen und dachte mir, warum nicht eine FA schicken, wegen der hohen Affinity. Jedenfalls danke für's schnelle annehmen.
See what you mean, the constant hype and over-praise put me off from watching it for a long time, but then i heard a friend of mine really liked it so i decided to give it a shot and ended up falling in love with the story and characters myself :)
Yeah the "war" between AOT and FMAB 😂😂 I personally find it hilarious, esprcially since i really like both series and don't give a crap who's on top
Oh trust me, it gets really fucking good. And yea, for me its pretty far above UBW and /stay night, it's the only route where I feel like Shirou is likeable and the story and whole atmosphere reminds me more of F/Z, which is really nice.
Deltris said: Still think AoT is a bit overrated however as long as you aren´t toxic is fine
Also cant judge Black Clover, its just great
Nah, no toxicity, just a series i really enjoy :3
I've heard about some of the fandom being toxic before, what exactly going on with that??
What do you find ovverated about AOT?
All Comments (15) Comments
It is also very unusual to see a fan of Ranma1/2, it is a very good anime, although I have not been able to finish it, I plan to do it, you have very good tastes huh....
Uhm and what is your favorite anime?
Yeah the "war" between AOT and FMAB 😂😂 I personally find it hilarious, esprcially since i really like both series and don't give a crap who's on top
Enjoy it! :D
Still think AoT is a bit overrated however as long as you aren´t toxic is fine
Also cant judge Black Clover, its just great
Nah, no toxicity, just a series i really enjoy :3
I've heard about some of the fandom being toxic before, what exactly going on with that??
What do you find ovverated about AOT?
And yeah Black Clover's great :)