You're still underage legally, so you're a kid. I'm in my twenties, so I am much older than you are.
I didn't say what I did to pick on you, don't think that. I'm not a nice person as far as being cordial and amiable goes. But a lot of people will knock your reviews and have a bad opinion of you. I don't like that. I like everyone to have pride in themselves and what they do.
I may not be the best source to tell you how to go about fixing up your reviews nicely, since I have my own way of reviewing, but I know this reviewer generally helps a lot of people on MAL with their reviews. So maybe you can ask her if you need any protips.
Well, here's a hint, kid: if you don't know how to cook would you try baking a cake?
I'm just telling you this because it irritates me immensely to see people taking no pride in their work at all. I see a lot of "haha i just reviewd cuz i could lol".
Like I said, delete those things and try writing them again. Think about what you want to say. Like what was the story like? Is it good? Are the character freaking moe blobs or retarded? Did the art look like poop on a piece of toilet paper? Evaluate those things.
And I never said I don't like your reviews. I said they sucked. I want that you will try to make them better. When you post something here that means you are leaving it open for everyone and anyone (which includes people like me) to read them.
Please think about it, and if you need any help, I know a few reviewers who might be happy to give you some advice other than myself.
Oh wow, your reviews completely suck and are totally unhelpful. I'd recommend either burning your hands so you can never type again or trying to re-write it so that it won't be such a stain on the internet.
I'm just telling you this to help you. Write those things again and put in some effort. You might be like fifteen or sixteen years old, but that's not an excuse for writing such horrible reviews. Really, put some effort into it.
yeah..I got three sisters and three brothers, the best part..I'm the oldest one of them all. But THANK GOD, we don't all live at the same place xD. Hmm.. ok.. whats the cats names? =D
haha ^^ thats good. Well, it's just good here, and nothing special right now is happening. How about you? And no I don't have any pets )=.. one of my sisters is allergic.. and the pets you can have then is just plain boring.
owh, its that kinda problem. I'm not mad and not going to be either :). Well my age, if you look up on my profile it says when I'm born, but to make it easier for you, I am 20 years old. Aaw ^^, well I am proud to call you my friend too ^^
haha naw, no need to cry for that =O. What kinda computer problems do you have? I am like good at computers as I went that path in school for three years :). And if it lightens your heart I forgive you ;o ^^
Well I got no plans at all, atm waiting for results to get into higher education here in sweden. So yeah I'm pretty bored myself too. But what have you been doing these past days? =) Haven't heard a word from you here :o
All Comments (52) Comments
I didn't say what I did to pick on you, don't think that. I'm not a nice person as far as being cordial and amiable goes. But a lot of people will knock your reviews and have a bad opinion of you. I don't like that. I like everyone to have pride in themselves and what they do.
I may not be the best source to tell you how to go about fixing up your reviews nicely, since I have my own way of reviewing, but I know this reviewer generally helps a lot of people on MAL with their reviews. So maybe you can ask her if you need any protips.
Anyhow, good luck and have a good day!
I'm just telling you this because it irritates me immensely to see people taking no pride in their work at all. I see a lot of "haha i just reviewd cuz i could lol".
Like I said, delete those things and try writing them again. Think about what you want to say. Like what was the story like? Is it good? Are the character freaking moe blobs or retarded? Did the art look like poop on a piece of toilet paper? Evaluate those things.
And I never said I don't like your reviews. I said they sucked. I want that you will try to make them better. When you post something here that means you are leaving it open for everyone and anyone (which includes people like me) to read them.
Please think about it, and if you need any help, I know a few reviewers who might be happy to give you some advice other than myself.
I'm just telling you this to help you. Write those things again and put in some effort. You might be like fifteen or sixteen years old, but that's not an excuse for writing such horrible reviews. Really, put some effort into it.
Also, Merry Christmas.
its my friends and she never uses it so, you have yahoo?
Ooh nice =) oldest beats all ;D