Manga Stats
Days: 3.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries9
- Reread0
- Chapters677
- Volumes16
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All Comments (96) Comments
It's been so long, how have you been?
I'm doing pretty well over here. My vacation is coming to an end. >.>
So I did end up finishing Soul Eater and have moved onto... ONE PIECE. Yes, One Piece. A SUPER DUPER long show but I'm watching it along with a friend so we're getting through it. It's actually very good and I am very amused by it.
I do need to finish up my airing shows though as some of them are in fact completed and I'm just wasting time.
I have been SO wrapped up in school, I don't get the time for anything anymore. :/ And I have exams waiting for me in January. Lovely -_-
How's your life been lately? I hope you're doing well. You have your winter break as well right now I assume? I hope you had or are having a good Christmas day.
Guess what? I got a cat! Yes, he's ADORABLE. I'm so so so happy about it because he makes everything at my house better. Cats are the best xD
Happy holidays! :)
Do you have any plans to watch anything else at all? Like any anime that has recently interested you?
School is eating me alive to be honest, I'm so tired all the time now, the energetic Nabeeha is pretty much gone now.
I'm watching LOADS actually! Lots of airing things. I'm probably watching 18 or more things right now. I need to go catch up on a few of them lol.
Have a great day!
And yes, LiSA! I love her music loads <3
I was struggling to find your Skype because I made a new skype account and completely ditched the other. Long story, lol.
My school starts in 2 days and I don't want to go back. I have SO much anime to see but I still haven't gotten around to watching half of it yet XD I have been watching some though so that's pretty good, lots of airing stuff.
Started Black Butler yet? ;) I'm watching the third season but have only seen a couple of episodes so far.
How have you been doing? It really sucks that we have not spoken in so long. I hope you're doing well! :)
FSN film sam gledao doduše, i nije bi bio toliko loš još sam i napisao jedan recommendation tu na malu :)
Pre sam i ja gledao sve i svašta, ali sad već imam manje vremena za gledanje pa uglavnom dobro razmotrim šta bi bilo dobro da pogledam u datom trenutku, pošto imam jedno pravilo da to što počnem gledam do kraja :)
Što se tiče KnK filmova to sam gledao ali nije me nešto oduševio, grafika jeste na visokom nivou ali meni to nije dovoljno, nisam neki Type moon fan, iako mise donekle svideo Fate stay night ništa drugo nisam ni gledao.
Ja sam nekako uspeo da počenam malo više ongoinga da pratim iako ne volim previše to da radim, ali sad ovako ispalo :)
U međuvremenu pogledam neki seriju koju imam na hdd, sad se dvoumim između nekoliko ali moguće da ću početi Steins Gate.
Nego da gledamo nešto što valja ^^