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Tenjou Tenge: The Ultimate Fight
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Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi
Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi
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MeanEYE Aug 21, 2023 2:59 PM
As a reply to your Mushoku Tensei review, consider yourself lucky. After episode 3, show turns to yet another school anime where he does nothing all day and makes figurines. All the emotion, if that can be called as such, he had in first few episodes is gone, as if it never happened.
tsuntsun24 Aug 20, 2023 4:21 PM
You never provided adequate reasonings for your opinions and yet you have the gall to say that you always explain yourself, in your bio. Bullshit. You only claim but never explain, e.g. 'the characters are uninteresting cardboard cutouts' *proceeds to move on to the next complaint*. Where is the reasoning? Also, the ED episode is a demonstration of how life seemingly keeps pulling Rudeus down no matter how many times he get backs up. He finally establishes another possibly romantic relationship with a girl other than Eris and then that is snatched away in a flash; his ED situation. Also the ED situation was a representation of Rudeus' distrust and lack of confidence as he thought that Eris left him for a reason he could not comprehend thus making him less confident and more depressed, which is further amplified when he discovers he has ED.

The ED episode you think is useless, is one of the reasons why Rudeus decides to go to the Ranoa University of Magic; and represents his constant despair.
SonicGamer42 Aug 20, 2023 4:39 AM
mushoku tensei is slop if it were good
HigherLvLThinker Aug 20, 2023 2:36 AM
I was talking about the hate comments on your profile from the vacuous fans
HigherLvLThinker Aug 18, 2023 10:13 PM
I did not expect Mushoku Tensei Fanbase to be this Elitist
DarkCarr0t Aug 12, 2023 11:49 AM
I mean that's fair, but the thing is that season 1 is pretty slow as well. I don't know what was the thing you actually don't like about this season. In my opinion it's kinda the same, so I recommended you to rewatch the first season and watch it you maybe enjoy it more like I did. And I don't think this arguement will have a conclusion because you haven't tell any specific thing that you don't like, I ask the show that was original in your pov you said the first season, but I'd say early s1 is way slower than this.

"It's silly to say I don't like the character, because I watched the show this far and liked it pretty much"

I assumed you hated the character becuase the premise of this season is Rudy's journey working though depression and stuff. And wasn't that perfect for this specific point in the story to actually have a "character development".
DarkCarr0t Aug 12, 2023 9:07 AM
About Mushoku Tensei (sorry if this was answered before)

"the new plot is lame and unoriginal "
Can you tell me which show is original?

"Three episodes went by and nothing of substance has happened."
Yes, but aren't your point of view too biased? Many shows took the entire show to tell one message, and that doesn't mean it's a bad show.

I think you just don't like the character because he's an incel and your point of view of the show is turned into a completely invalid point.

"core parts of the story up to this point: Rudeus joins a new party and starts adventuring"
This quote shows that your point is completely invalid, there is A LOT of show that uses this as the entire point of the show, you can't just watch 3 episode and turn it off because there's nothing happened yet, and the truth is something happened.

I think you should rewatch the first season and watch it immediately because that's what I did too! Maybe it doesn't design for that, because season 1 is kinda slow as well.

Edited: I respect your opinion btw, I know you're expecting something else from the show that you like, but you should calm down and go back and watch season 1 again. I had kinda similar stuff happen to me as well when s1p2 came out I dropped it and just got back recently. Hope you enjoy the show more!
ZackLSD Aug 12, 2023 1:12 AM
3 ep reviews are not valid.
Lucianael Aug 3, 2023 1:29 PM
So, first of all, a huge thank you, this must have taken a very long time to write and I appreciated it. Personally, I think what made this part interesting for me was seeing Rudeus get a better understanding of who he is and recognizing his own interests. It was a bit of self-discovery/self-realization, but mostly a slow but steady development of character, both physically and mentally. Yes, he's still a shithead, but he's clearly maturing over the course of the episodes, starting to work out and making new friends, which he thought was nearly impossible at first. I think whole deal with Sara wasn't to redo Eris' arc, but to show Rudeus what's really important to him. I completely understand if you don't find that compelling, and I personally think you have to be invested in Rudeus as a character for that to even be possible, but when you do, it works really well. It drags because life just isn't made up of individual scenes, so I don't think it would have worked as well to just show the low point with a suicide attempt as it did in the show because you wouldn't be able to see him crawl out of that hole and how he dug it in the first place. But hey, that's just my opinion.
Thanks again for the wall of text, that was impressive, even by my standards. Hope you have a good day.
Lucianael Aug 3, 2023 11:25 AM
My comment was a bit disrespectful, so sorry for that, but I still don't think you're really saying anything in your review other than "yeah, I didn't like it". I mean, you can't just say "nothing happened" without addressing it, because the previous four episodes were actually pretty well paced, so the problem you're talking about here is that nothing that happened was of value. That's a good criticism and would apply to a lot of things, but I think Mushoku Tensei gets a free pass, at least from me, because everything is filtered through Rudeu's perspective so it's up to him to decide how important something is. On the other hand, how entertaining these things are, that's up to the viewer, or in this case, you. I just think if you're going to criticize how exciting, funny, or just plain entertaining a show is because you don't like it in the slightest, you should at least be more specific about why that is. What parts are it that really bother you, and why should that be something universal. In other words, what makes your opinion valuable to the reader, and how can you convey that information in a way that is less cocky and more meaningful than the crap I wrote last time.
ErogakiPatches Aug 2, 2023 4:16 PM
Apparently this will be an arc all about Rudy being in school and a "will-he-won't-he" plot with Sylphie. It's going to be a pretty boring arc from what I heard. And yes, I do agree that school arcs aren't the best and I do hope that it goes back to how it was. The journey with Rudy was great, but it needs to get back to it. And yeah, those people are hopeless losers who can't take criticism or anyone disliking their favorite show. I feel like they can't enjoy anything unless everyone else has the same opinion they have on it. It's a joke.

I hope your day is great. Thanks for the talk.
SentiOnikawa Aug 1, 2023 2:11 PM
You address Rudeus's erectile dysfunction and hand-wave it as just some "childish" thing the author and director did without understanding the full context of why it is happening to him. In your position, I wouldn't be comfortable in such a ridiculous amount of ignorance in how depression can affect a person, nor its symptoms.
ErogakiPatches Aug 1, 2023 2:00 PM
Just thought I would say this after reading some of the unhinged, cringy-worthy, and embarrassing insults people are trying to hurl at you for not liking the same things they do... Good on you. Those people are seriously unhinged yet you're keeping your cool and explaining why you don't like something. It's a logical fallacy to hurl insults yet they partake in it like it's cake on their birthdays; it's really just concerning how many people can't use their words correctly without resorting to baseless accusations and strange ideas. I don't even want to understand why people think your opinion should be silenced or that MAL should "ban people like you". Fascism is alive and well, it seems.

Anyway, won't take up more of your time, as I just wished to say this and leave it at that. I do like Mushoku Tensei, but I respect your opinion and you should always be able to have it without others calling for a ban on you or hurling childish insults your way. Thank you.
SentiOnikawa Aug 1, 2023 3:57 AM
Your MT review is pretty terrible, ngl. None of it was even remotely accurate, and the fact that you hand-wave depression as some minor inconvenience to people who suffer from it speaks volumes. Are you by any chance one of the five people who rated Thor: Love and Thunder as a 10/10 because it spent more time treating Jane's cancer as a joke than giving it the levity it deserved?
Sigmar-Unberogen Aug 1, 2023 1:50 AM
MT community is one of the most toxic ones out there. I gave up on having a constructive dialogue with people there since S1 part 1. There's a reason why I'm not even watching S2. Over-glorified garbage.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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