Hi, I'm David.
My favourite film is Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.
My favourite TV Shows are Breaking Bad and The Boondocks.
My favourite album at the moment is Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
My rating system goes like this;
10 - One of the greatest of all time, or an all time favourite. Perfection, or at least extremely close to it. There are multiple reasons something could be a 10 to me.
9 - Almost perfect. Maybe one thing that holds it back.
8 - Great or amazing. Definitely not perfect, but the positives largely outweigh the negatives.
7 - Pretty good.
6 - Fine, nothing special. Still solid, but I won't be revisiting.
5 - Average. This is the lowest anything should fall, in an ideal world.
4 - I didn't really enjoy much, pretty mediocre. Might have had a few flashes of good shit.
3 - Might have had one aspect that I liked, but not enough to make me enjoy the whole ting.
2 - Shit, almost irredeemable, if not straight up irredeemable.
1 - Not sure what this anime did for it to deserve this score, but it has a special place in my heart if I hate it this much. I haven't found an anime I've disliked so much yet, and I hope I never come across one.
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