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Leonheartd May 22, 2018 8:29 PM
I actually learned how to adjust my expectations based on what I'm consuming while I'm consuming it so I hardly ever have this issue. I always strive to be as open as possible when it comes to most things, especially when it comes to successful or praised series, which is actually why I'm able to enjoy so many anime.

"I just like it a lot due to my own personal idiosyncrasies, though I do believe it's very good from a semi-objective perspective."

How am I supposed to take a comment like that? Like part of you is saying you don't actually think it's good or worthy of someone's time right after telling me it's one of your favorite pieces of media. Most people actually consume a lot of media, so for somebody to say it's their favorite piece of media is saying something and shouldn't be treated as trivial. I don't think a lot of people really value other people's positive opinions as much as they should. I in particular don't value most negative criticism because most of it is wrong, especially in regards to the fact that thousands of anime on this website are at least decent by most people's standards. Or at least people inclined towards animation, but just because they have that idiosyncrasy doesn't mean they are wrong in any sense. They simply are more relevant to them and therefore can truly see it for what it is. If somebody tells you a video game or movie is bad and they hardly know or care about both, should you listen to them? Obviously you should to some degree (Because objective quality does exist) but I honestly don't think it should be taken more than iota of seriousness, regardless of objectivity. Most modern people are too quick to judge (It's easier) and don't have enough mercy, I think and part of the reason for so much negativity is because at least half the population isn't creative at all.

I totally get why people love specifically visual novels now, although I to some degree already understood even as an outsider. When I receive a bad ending in Fate most of the time it really gets to me. Like, the first bad ending I got had me get up and reject everything that had happened. That's pretty impressive and it's something that rarely has ever happened to me in any video game, with the only game in my memory that managed to do that being Undertale. Most people question the point of bad endings (And to some degree I understand why), but for games like Fate where the writing can take a seriously dark and sad turn really puts pressure on the player to make the proper decisions. Sometimes when I know the decision will be paramount I often wonder with sick curiosity what happens if I chose the wrong choice over the right one.

I also have a tendency towards Type-Moon games now, so Tsukihime isn't far from me.

I wanted to add one more thing in regards to your profile bio. I actually wrote I wasn't trying to put you down in response to your bio thinking you changed it based on my previous large post complaining about MAL reviews. Even I, who openly accepts most ideas and abstractions immediately, know that feeling of alienation when so many people enjoy a series clearly much more than I do. Needless to say I wish it didn't happen to me, you feel it too don't you?

I welcome more conversation. Don't drink too much milk.
Leonheartd May 22, 2018 6:48 PM
I heard the anime was bad, but I've actually been listening to the OP of the anime for years, It's really good. I'm considering reading Umineko after I finish reading Fate/Stay Night which is my first visual novel. I just finished the Fate route and am kind of confused as to how I start UBW now... if you've played it can you tell me how to start UBW without spoiling it?

I'm familiar with Ryukishi, mainly because Higurashi is actually one of my favorite anime or at least my favorite horror anime. I knew about Umineko for a long time, but I put things off because I'm actually a useless son of a bitch. I will *eventually* get around to it, I usually do, especially when it's received as much critical praise as it's gotten and how god damn popular it is, similar to Fate, but I always wanted to read Fate and this is also actually the most I've read in my entire life. Not kidding. I used to despise reading until recently I decided I need to start reading something and VNs have always mystified me since my youth so I tried Fate out and I'm convinced to read every worthy VN I can find now.

Though honestly, I'm enjoying Fate so much I'm considering getting one of those super pricey figures of Saber.

Also I was expecting you to say something along the lines of favorite VN in regards to Umineko... but favorite piece of media? Damn that shit must be real good. I'm happy to let you know I plan on reading it sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the lengthy and useful reply though, I appreciate it.
Leonheartd May 22, 2018 6:19 PM
Also if I'm not bothering you, what is your profile picture? I know it's the chick from that VN I should have read by now but what is the meme/joke?
Leonheartd May 22, 2018 4:26 PM
It's my pleasure to have a nontrivial conversation.
Leonheartd May 22, 2018 5:21 AM
I don't think most people think about what they are watching period. They are wasting their time on a fantasy, yet they act as though it is real and matters. Why? We talk and refer to these fictional characters like they are living beings. Why? I haven't fully articulated it yet, but I will find out one day and when I do, I'll tell you.

So basically, fiction and storytelling to you is no different from drugs and alcohol and it's sole purpose is just to entertain and escape from reality?

That is a mistake. You should be careful man, that is seriously wrong.

Also, why not just write in your free time or something on google docs? You can write literally anything you want free from the constraints of anime reviews. I do it sometimes when I feel compelled. You seem to be idea oriented like me, just write your ideas down and articulate them and get to the bottom of things. Really get your arguments together and become stronger. Yes, I think that would be far more productive.

And they're not distorted reality, animate means to bring to life. It's not about depicting nor distorting reality, rather show it's essence.
Leonheartd May 22, 2018 12:06 AM
What? Why not make the best of this and try to learn something from media? What the hell is the point of fiction if not to express something that can't be done in real life?

You seem pretty reasonable but you don't even care? Why bother writing a review then? I know the comment section in MAL can't get much worse, but why contribute if you don't believe in anything?
Leonheartd May 21, 2018 10:12 PM
I'm not trying to put you down or anything, so take my comment with a grain of salt.
Leonheartd May 21, 2018 8:28 PM
I went to Rotom's account to rationalize how she came to that conclusion and found my answer. Unsophisticated, contrarian for the sake of it, an overrated use of "overrated". Then I looked at comments only to find the lastest comment from a couple months back to be of some guy with a weird anime profile picture disagreeing with somebody who hadn't been online in 2 years.

The majority of anything is not impressive, there's no need to reiterate this everybody and their mother knows this. A vocal minority are quite overly critical however and take their personal taste over anything else and that bothers me. MAL reviews seem to be especially unimpressive, compared to most things. Honestly, even of Rotten Tomatoes there some kind of justifying element, they are all journalists who are paid to do this. MAL reviews are the lowest of the low, the lowest of any form of criticism I have ever seen. I say that because most people don't know how to write or create anything of value themselves yet they think their opinion is paramount. It's the YouTube comments of anime critique, again.

I'm deeply unsatisfied with the discussions surrounding anime and the community as well, so this MAL review system (comment section) thing is just the tip of the iceberg.

I haven't finished YYH I'm only 1/4th of the way through and totally understand every bit a praise it's gotten. Most of the criticisms or rather complaints directed towards the show I find to be quite inadequate and quite hypocritical.

To begin with, 90s anime has this group of cult followers who believe 90s anime is the holy grail of anime and that every anime that came out past the 90s is just "moe garbage". This genius claim is typically backed by no evidence and is completely exaggerated beyond belief and it's because of this that many people are missing out on some of the greatest god damn television of our time. I then come to the YYH comment section only to find people complaining about the 90s animation and 90s art style. Really? I find it very ironic to be honest. The animation is not the best thing in the world but holy fucking shit it's an early 90s anime for Christ's sake, this is before anime really started to gain economic traction thanks to Evangelion and for a show that's over 4 fucking times longer than practically every anime in existence and still looks decent is an accomplishment by itself.

I'm gonna borrow this line from the stroke of genius that's Rotom's review for a sec: "Overall, it's not the worst series out there (to me the worst are those that try to be something but fail epicly), it just doesn't have anything to say. It's the most generic, mediocre shounen action series probably ever made, and you could watch it if you have absolutely nothing else to do, but don't expect anything."

I love how often people say the same thing in these reviews. "It's not the best anime, it's not the worst, it's not this, I'm not a fanboy or anything" BUT BUT, to her the WORST ANIME are those that TRY TO BE GOOD. Okay. Alright. That's nearly every good thing in existence. I'm surprised somebody like this has been able to live in this world, let alone garner any semblance of friendship. No wonder she couldn't enjoy YYH it's a show about a boy growing up and going on adventures with his friends, something this person has zero recollection of. No wonder she is deaf to every fucking theme in the show, although by my estimation it at least has had a few good ones so far and I'm only on like episode 21. Maybe she doesn't know the themes because she actually doesn't know what a theme is. Like in the first episode when Urumeshi dies only to find out everybody he thought hated him cares about him was a very emotional and thoughtful piece of writing. It's saying that no matter who you are if you die that is something tragic. That's that.

"It's the most generic, mediocre shounen action series probably ever made" Now, what's wrong with this statement? Some of the other shounen she refers to is Naruto and DBZ. Those are the same shows with the reputation for being generic mediocre shounen. Something is not right here. It's almost as if the fabric of reality is being twisted to fit somebody's view.

"and you could watch it if you have absolutely nothing else to do, but don't expect anything" Damn. If I read this review before watching YYH would I be surprised to find myself nearly in tears by the first episode and loving both the OP and ED.

If you plan on writing an YYH please avoid the embarrassment of all 4 of the top comments there.
Leonheartd May 21, 2018 2:25 PM
I was talking about Rotom's Profile. I was dissatisfied with her YYH review as well. Then again she gives something like Naruto a 10 and Monster a 1.

Most reviews on this website are essentially youtube comments. By most I mean like 99%, so you should take everything there with a grain of salt. Most people don't look down there and for good reason. MAL doesn't even care to update the system or refine it in any shape or form. Just look at all the buggy old reviews from the 2000s that haven't been fixed$5134^%!^$ like that.

On top of all that shit, half the reviews that happen to have the most upvotes are also written by people that don't even use the site anymore, and probably don't even watch anime. Why should anybody bother with a reviewer that cares so little about anime?
Leonheartd May 21, 2018 5:10 AM
Don't ya hate dead accounts?
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