I think I scared myself by making my AnimeList, I didn't expect to be that perverted.
Don't run away ! I'm not a scary guy, I promise you :)
Like many in France, I discovered animation with " Club Dorothée ".
I like anime / manga like shoujo, seinen.. all kinds that are opposed to fighting shonen like those shitty Naruto / Bleach.
I'm proud to claim I have girl tastes (and I kind of like Boys Love ahah).
My favorite anime is obviously the great, the gorgeous, the divine masterpiece Shoujo Kakumei Utena. If you're not aware, a HD-remastered edition is going out this summer .
I play many video games too, principally japanese RPG and Eroge. My favourite saga is Fire Emblem (salut Katua ^^)
P.S for hentai fans :
Wondering how I rated Hentai anime I saw ? well.. basically I rated 5 if the anime was average, more if there were details I particullary liked like scenario or graphisms, less than 5 if there were details I disliked.
Me and my 2D girlfriends
All Comments (14) Comments
lol girls like hentai to =P you would be amazed by howmany girls do watch it :) the ting is most just dont dare to admit it ;)
i think we could be friends :3
Mais moi aussi je t'aime mon fils. :love2:
Bravo pour le shitty Naruto-Bleach, ça va plaire à beaucoup de monde... :p
83,8% avec Daheji
C'est pas mieux pour toi Daheji ^^
Par contre, j'dois avouer que j'me suis moi même fait peur avec mon anime list ^^
Sais tu que Pétronille regarde plein de Hentai? XD Enfin bon, le pourcentage est faussé après tout...
Et beh, t'as déjà bien rempli ton profil Petto-chan. Faudrait que je le remplisse aujourd'hui moi aussi! :D
Dans mes bras mon mignon. :D