All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 302.3
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed1,034
- On-Hold65
- Dropped64
- Plan to Watch25
- Total Entries1,199
- Rewatched0
- Episodes18,466
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 13.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries37
- Reread0
- Chapters2,446
- Volumes277
All Comments (3) Comments
I barely get any spare time, and combine that with work, I haven't watched very much anime at all for the past two months. Previous to that I was going at a ridiculous pace.
I don't think I will ever have the time to watch as much as you have!
How have you been?
I haven't spoken to you in possibly over 3 months. I haven't visited the forums lately, I have been meaning to though.
When I was, I was only ever doing so to see if I could be on as the same time as you and maybe say hey. But it never seemed to work out.
Hopefully we can have a good chat in the future there. Maybe have a good discussion on anime and maybe a few suggestions back and forth! I might actually have something to recommend to the great darkiway!
I look forward to hearing from you my friend.
Best Regards,