I'm VulpineNinja and this is my imposter
http://myanimelist.net/profile/VulpineNinja lulz.
As you can see I don't watch a lot of anime. I'm kinda picky.
Even with yaoi, I have my likes and dislikes. Yes I'm a yaoi fan but I don't really give a shit if you moralfaggots think I'm gonna buttraep you anytime with an imaginary p0n0s 8D
other than that, i like GAR shounen/seinen. Moeshits are a no-no but a few are okay. Shoujo is fine too unless it gets too typical, otherwise i'd turn to Josei.
I'm picky with music too. Usually technopop and rap makes my ears bleed, I love listening to symphonic or folk metal and certain power metal music. Cos it's epicccc! Otherwise alternative rock that I find unique and captivating... including visual kei. You might be surprised that I listen to classical music as well, and also any songs with folk music influence. More particularly from video games.
So I kill time not only by playing video games, watch anime or read manga. I read novels too, but not regularly. I just buy a bunch of them in case I run out of visual media to entertain me. Or else I'll just draw/doodle.
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03-03-11, 10:18 AM