All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 113.3
Mean Score:
- Reading81
- Completed1,342
- On-Hold0
- Dropped15
- Plan to Read30
- Total Entries1,468
- Reread0
- Chapters11,041
- Volumes2,216
All Comments (122) Comments
things I wanted to do... I want to be a
teacher... I also want to be an
astronaut... and also make my own cake
shop... I want to go to the sweets bakery
and say 'I want one of everything'...
Ohhhh, I wish I could live life five times
over. Then I’d be born in five different
places, and I’d stuff myself with
different food from around the world...
I’d live five different lives with five
different occupations... and then, for
those five times... I’d fall in love with
the same person...
cv = covasna, ce oras Sfantu Gheorghe?
Tocmai am realizat... eu nu am apucat sa ma uit la Game of Thrones de la ep 3 :(
Eu ma gandeam sa iti fur un pic din "noroc"
Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold :))
dar parca nu erai din Bucuresti oricum, sau gresesc?