Salutare tuturor! Shinobi au revenit la viata si mai puternici.Cei care doresc sa ne urmareasca munca in continuare sunt asteptati aici:[url=]Shinobi Fansub Va astept cu comentarii, de asemenea daca doriti sa va alaturati noua,va astept! Kufufu...
No need to say sorry for that,I know you're busy in real life and on your work so I understand it perfectly. Well if it's the good community of MAL,its still here,and about your friends,even though not all I'm still here,as your friend Valentine and I'm really glad that even though it's really long we can still chat now 😄😄😄😄
How about you take a break on your work,even just for a short while? And relax even a little.
About my work it's just a part-time, I'm at catering services now. It's a seasonal job so it's not often so I'm more on the house helping in our small business 😅😅
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How about you take a break on your work,even just for a short while? And relax even a little.
About my work it's just a part-time, I'm at catering services now. It's a seasonal job so it's not often so I'm more on the house helping in our small business 😅😅
I'm fine as always,here just like the old days just having a part-time job and helping with our small business 😊😊
How about you,how are you and how have you been,and it's really a longtime since we last chat,hope you're doing fine Dark-Lord 😊😊
Mă voi apuca și eu de citit. xD Să ajung la zi.
Și eu ador Bakuman. E genială.
Doamne, doamne, îi ador ❤ Pentru Bakuman =)))
Iubesc Platinum End. E faină. ❤
Nu am actualizat de multă vreme. Când voi avea ceva timp, cred că ar fi bine să o fac =))