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Imamade Ichido mo Onnaatsukai sareta Koto ga Nai Onna Kishi wo Onnaatsukai suru Manga
Apr 23, 2020 1:43 PM
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All Comments (122) Comments
Hm I could guess you're often online when it it passes midnight over here.
Anyway, good morning :D
Aw. Dis Sam is going to use the website instead from now on
MAL friends forever.. Awwwwwwwweee..I will remember it! It is so sweet of you to tell me this ; u ; I’ll cherish our friendship <33
Well.. GaiaOnline is veryyyyyyyy addicting, if I wasn’t busy with the practicum and finals in the past two months I’d not have the strength to go on a hiatus. :< self-control: absolute 0
I always skip the opening/ending of an anime but if I like it I wouldn’t. And i'd rather read the manga instead if the anime has an open ending.
I’ve went to school and college without sleep, I did that several times because I was busy reading manga and it was awesome.. Good days, parents took my lappy away though as a punishment <___< bleh
'Blood' was the first drama I watch after a long while, I did like it a lot at first but tbh… I didn’t get the end, it was a bit confusing. I watched ‘My love from the stars’ too c: I enjoyed it, the main actress is amaaazing and adorable XD
An old friend of mine recommended to me ‘Secret Garden’ when I told her I like to know what happens to the characters after months or years. It was good, funny and touching (at least for me). Also, City Hunter.. it was greeeeeat but pvsdiehgwioehgiuwhegiwo I just didn’t like the end ; o ; you would probably have a different opinion if you watched it.
I used to be very very verrrrrrrrrrry lame T x T; the only genre I’d read/watch was Shoujo, so embarrassed of the old obsessed me x’D.. But now I watch almost everything, learnt to give other genres a try. I discovered that I like to watch supernatural, action and mystery since I’ve disliked them before.
Ah.. Speaking of my summer holiday. HELP ME. I don’t know how to spend it *tableflips* I wanted to get back to my old hobbies like drawing and graphic designing –quit 7 years ago..duh
I made a schedule for summer, I felt great in the first few days for following it, but just in the fifth day my big sister passed me her flu and I had a sore throat for almost a week.. UGHH WHYYYYYYY
Waking up at 5am, eating healthy and going to sleep around 8pm.. It was more like changing my lifestyle.
But now I highly doubt I’d do anything, lazing around doesn’t seem as bad /hugs le pillow
I've moreeeee nicknames but i picked those .. Chi- because my username used to be Chiroi, friends would call my Chi or Chichi. Nukimonic is my current username. I hate my offline name so my bestfriends shortened it to Sam. And I’d like to be called Sam by you, it would make me feel like we've been friends forever :D
How about you? Does your username have any special meaning? I'm clueless if it's a video game character's name
Btw, English is my 3rd language. Ignore my grammar errors ; v;
First of all, my sincere apology for taking ages to reply >_<; I mostly use the app so I can't see if I get any notifications.
You're honestly nice for not removing me off your friends list ;-; hng. If I were you I would have done that long time ago D; because HECK this person is rude enough to ignore me for over than half a year.
Again, I'm really sorry.
Erm, I only added here friends i've known over the internet for years. Which means, you and Amber plus another lady are my first friends from this website! (I often browse GaiaOnline, it's where i've met my online friends who speak different langs besides English)
Psh, you're indeed nice. Thank you for accepting me :D
Just recently I decided to update my anime list, too lazy to do my manga list e.e welp, i'm more into manga than anime tho..
For two-three years, I stopped watching anime because of college it was too stressful otz but ever since i changed my college i got the time to watch all my fav shows
It's good to meet people who also like to watch Asian dramas.. yusyusyus. Even tho i've not watched that much xD my start was with Japanese dramas in 2008 then Korean.
Aaaaand what's your fav genre? I did check your list and read your 'about me' yet i'm still not sure ono
O right. You may call me Chi, Nuki or Sam.. I'm sorry for writing a long comment >>"
Have a good day ahead
My sincere apology for taking this long to reply, seriously didn't mean to ignore you :c
While stalking this beautiful lady @Ambertsarina, I seen some of your comments and I thought "these two have really nice convos, like friends irl but in different schools" something like that, then I checked your profile and again with some stalking /coughs....
Well, I wanted to click the "request" button so bad.. so I did u.u
/I know I haven't updated my list in forever q-q gonna do that after my midterms/
Thank you for accepting my fr btw <3
Thank you so much!
It's pretty amazing that you noticed. My original Alias name is Ambertsarina. MAL never let me keep that name. Now that it does, I changed it :)
Glad to know you enjoyed your stay. People have very bad notions about India. I am happy there exist positive side to it apart from the culture and history.
Heat is the issue. It's indeed very hot. Mumbai (where I live) is worse since you tend to sweat a lot too due to humidity.
In the past I used to watch almost everything. I'm not sure whether the new anime are not appealing to me or that I'm just losing interest in general :X - This is what was and is happening.
Now I am trying to get back my track by re-watching some shows. I started off with Noragami S2 and K Project for the new releases this season. Big fan of the Noragami franchise.
Health issues, yes. Well that's one reason. It wasn't anything serious, but it took a toll n me mentally. I kinda lost interest in whatever i did. Things I was amazing at, just started fading off. I was losing friends and kinda slipping into depression. It became hard to go to college because I didnt have like minded friends - making things more worse. Many more things are still happening which makes me low but in the process I found KPOP and now kinda diverged to it.
I have KPOP groups here so i hang out with them so now I kinda feel better. Even in college, I avoid my classmates and prefer talking things out with the teacher. I just hope college ends soon.
I am a diabetic and its getting worse so its kind of irritating. Higher the sugar, inability to work as good as when not. I used to work as an editor and my sugar used to go crazy. So I had to stop all I liked. :(
Sorry to bore you with such a depressing talk after replying after a long break.
Anyway, how are things in your side? It's been so long, isn't it?
PS: MAL has some issues again? I have been typing my reply for the 4th time now. The comment never gets posted. Werid
This is just an over view. Once I know where you exactly are, I can let you know.
In India, the food diversity changes region to region. Food from South India and North India is totally different. Let me know which City/University are you in.
If you are in Mumbai, then you are lucky as Mumbai is the hub for everything. You get almost all of the diversified culture here. I, myself am a South Indian but been living in the north from birth. So the food here is vibrant.
Delhi is also a good place to indulge in food!
So so far, how has your experience in India been?
Yep I'm doing well. I went through an anime slump so remained inactive till recent.
No No, I'm pretty free now a days as I'm concentrating on health and other things. Mainly entrance exams things.
OH MY GOD! Are you serious? That's so amazing! Where are you India?
well based on which region you are the food differs.
Hi there! Hisashiburi!
And i am back to busy mode once again!
been multi-taking like anything. Even now, I amskipping work and studies, but It's high time I get back to being active at MAL.
How was summer?
It's already the season for rains here. I got a relapse again and again back to being a busy body. the cycle goes on and on i guess...
I stared working at an MNC and have many Japanese co-workers. One of them is a big Liar Game fan!
The manga is back to being regularly updated and its high time I read it too.
How is life apart from this. Any good animes to watch of the season?? Been lagging there as well.
Yeah. I did stalk people offline though. Just was too busy and pre-occupied to log in. I didnt even update my list till 3days back.
Aww.. thats so nice of you. Normally people wouldnt bother. Well i did come in between and would go in 20sec..! Well, i can't say i am 100% back, but yes, i will try my level best to be active, at least log in during sundays (if i dont have edits that day)
GooD! I havent got a single opportunity to marathon series after my birthday. I have been through a lot. I was managing digital creatives for 2 of my college festivals plus working with the college magazine, few inhouse productions as an editor or a logo designer. Plus academic studies and Japanese. A lot on my plate.
Things mellowed down by Jan end and then i had some issues with my fiends who treated me like trash.... TRASH.
they were rude, they made me sick and broke all my expectations. I was badly effected by this and feel into depression,,... A bad one, which even made my health go worse.
Things changed and i stopped contributing for my college. On the flip side, had not it been my japanese class friends, i would have been really lost. Things are wayy better without them and I am doing great now! Now I work (and get paid for doing the same thing i was doing in my college XD)
*o* Well true. I saw the updated list at I need to catch-up from where i left it too. I to,just love the series and its concept. In away i want it to be an anime and in a way i dont wanna. As an anime, it will get more popularity, but mostly anime adaptaions ruin good plots (Noragami/KWMS). But it can also be great (Chihayafuru/Bakuman). Man i wish it gets a good adaptaion. The drama got a good response too, right?
its been ages!! Almost a year since i logged in back.
First of all, thanks a lot for commenting, even if i was offline. i used to check my A/c offline till new years and then stopped as life went into a complete downhill.
Thanks a lot!
After a lot of procrastinating and laziness, m back to MAL!
How have u been these days? Its great to see, u still use the profile set i made for you.
It gives me so much motivation to come back to MAL.
Thanks a again for all your wishes, and have a nice day!
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