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Days: 70.9
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- Episodes4,239
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Days: 18.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries64
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- Chapters2,675
- Volumes353
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All Comments (16) Comments
have fun and if you need anything else just ask
and no you were perfectly picky ^^ the more details i get of what you want the better ^^
sorry its taking so long sorry im taking so long to get these requests out - i ended up getting a person who was exremely picky (Im not saying thats a bad thing! :D but i had to redo theirs from scratch 30 times.. xD heh )
anyways - what are some of the specifics you want for your wallpaper? :)
any styles you prefer out of the ones i have shown as examples?
any colors you prefer - or even something as simple as you want it dark/light overall?
complex or simple?