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Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
May 20, 2018 6:00 PM
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Va11halla is really good and fun, and I'm a fan of the bartender style.
Surprisingly, I never knew about the J-Core artists from rhythm games, I was wanting to find melodic hardcore for ages and it appeared in my recommendations on Spotify or something like that at one point, turns out I just had to look at Japan to find it lol, I never even knew the artists were Japanese at first. :) It's a weird coincidence how I love many Japanese things without the label of it being Japanese swaying my opinion, I just love it. Japan isn't afraid to be experimental so there's also that.
I hope you like them! And those sound really good! What do you like best about romance stories? Any particular tropes you enjoy most/least?
I love yours as well! So pleasing to look at + the colours are super cute (:
Are you watching anything interesting this season?
why you on mal again
No drop can be suffering sometimes but I basically just can't drop anything even if I wanted. Every time I start to think about dropping something I start to think that it might get better later or I start to feel bad for everyone who has worked with the anime (even though they probably don't care). And watching a wider variety of anime, good, bad, mediocre, makes thinking about scores easier. I guess I'm a little bit of a perfectionist or something.