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Ratings for Anime & Manga My real name is Daniel Defoy Imon Banerjee. I have been watching anime for as long as I can remember. The genres of anime I've watched or I've read must be too diverse and disconnected to be compactly put into words. Truth be told, I've forgotten even the names of quite a few anime I've seen (I recently remembered Chrome Shelled Regios) :P :P In general, I don't have any particular preference, though I almost always try to stick to one with a strong story. An anime with a forced story is almost strictly no no. Explains my general dislike for the episodics like Mushishi or Natsume Yuujonchou or even the famous Gintama (which I passionately dislike) What else? I'm generally very forgiving towards rating. As such almost all of my ratings are above 7. The only ones below that are the ones that I disliked most. I nearly never drop an anime. And since I usually marathon them, I keep very few on hold. I have a blog at Systopia. It's still under construction, I'll update it as soon as I get more time. I have done some professional reviews in my sparetime. Read my reviews at www.nihonden.com. For starters, I can recommend the following 1. Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Reveiw 2. Hotarubi No Mori E Review 3. ReLIFE review 4. Berserk (Manga) review And a couple of articles about the legends of Japanese Animation 1. SATOSHI KON: A LEGENDARY INSPIRATION 2. HAYAO MIYAZAKI: THE SPLENDOR OF ASIAN ANIMATION It also has other brilliant articles by very talented people on a diverse range of topics. We would be very grateful if you could check them out So, we finally leave 2016. Let us read back to the list of anime that I have watched in this year. Winter 2016 1. Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions. A normal game multiverse ripoff. Different from SAO and Log Horizon in the sense that the real world was hardly touched, if ever. Good animation and music, but weak characters and plot. 2. Erased. Brilliant start off and story, but messed up near the ending. Still, one of my favourites of all time. Spring 2016 3. Re:Zero. Easily the best anime this season and (one of the best) all time. Waiting ravenously for the next season. 4. My Hero Academia. Animax Streamed it. I did not like it as much as I hoped to. Missed a few episodes in the middle. Didn't matter in the long run 5. Twin Star Exorcist. Dropped after 30 or so episodes. Was so-so. Not really good. 6. Baccano!. A very complicated and intertwined plot. Went to my favourite list quickly enough. Summer 2016 7. Durara X2 1st season. I lost the whole story after a particular stage. I don't think I'll be following the next seasons anytime soon. It was too complicated 8. Mob Psycho 100. Loved it! Why shouldn't I? Easily one of the best anime this season. Eagerly awaiting the next season. 9. ReLIFE. It was okayish. Not as good as most people turn it out to be. I have a review at Nihonden about it. Currently Following the webcomic. 10. Nanatsu No Taizai-Signs of Holy War. Watched it much later. Bundled up here because it was a summer anime. Okayish. Some progress on the story. Nothing to write home about 11. Monster. Again, a very interesting anime in a very different plot. Included in my all time favourites. Fall 2016: This season was a bit haphazard. I watched plenty of off the season ones. For starters 12. Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso. My Prize! Loved it. Definitely will go to one of the best I've ever watched. You can definitely check out my review at Nihonden.com 13. Cross Game. Again, one of the best I've ever watched. Loved it. An extremely well captured story in an interesting setting. You can check out my review at Nihonden.com 14. Shinsekai Yori(From the New World). Was not as good as I liked it to be. An EXTREMELY interesting setting with a MEDIOCRE execution. Had a lot of hopes in the beginning. Was a bit disappointed in the end. But the plot twists are the best among all anime I've seen. 15. Little Busters: Refrain. Built upon season 1 of Little Busters. A fitting end to the marvelous series. Review will be up at Nihonden.com soon. 16. Occult:Nine. It was a mediocre start which bloomed into a more interesting plotline. I won't review this one. 17. Drifters. A great anime! A different plot and story. I'm writing a review which I'll upload at Nihonden.com _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2017: This year marked a long stretch where I watch nothing at all. Winter 2017: You will see a lot of dropped series in this season. But to my defense, this was arguably one of the worst periods in the history of anime. 1. Bakemonogatari. Dropped 2. Rose Of Versailles. Dropped 3. Seiren. Completed. Did not like it too much. 4. Fuuka. The deviation from the manga kinda surprised me. Was it just a reinterpretation? Or did the producers lacked the guts to make the manga ending? Not that it was very good either way. 5. Poco's Udon World. Dropped 6. Scum's Wish. Dropped 7. Little Witch Academia. Disappointed and Dropped Spring 2017: The drought continues, I did not watch anything this season at all Summer 2017: The same. Fall 2017: Ditto _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2018: I have slowly restarted watching anime this year, after a drought of one and a half years. Winter 2018: The drought continues, I watched nothing at all. Spring 2018: The drought receeds a bit. Completed Dragon Ball Super Summer 2018: This marked the end of the long drought. I got netflix and amazon prime subscriptions, and am watching anime legally. 1. Magi: Adventures of Sindbad. I finally remembered that it was shounen that got me into anime. Once again it saved me. Marathoned it in one day. There were many inconsistencies with the story, but loved it all the same. 2. Devilman:Crybaby. The only reason I can perceive that this anime has a mundane and boring 8.03 while Adventures of Sindbad gets an 8.13 on MyAnimeList is because this is MyAnimeList, the IMDb of Anime where every Nolan is bound to get an 8 while true pieces of art barely hit 7.5. It is an absolute masterpiece, it is unique, it is nonpareil. Review underway. 3. Steins;Gate:Zero. I dropped it for now after watching the firsts 3 episodes. I will get back to it after it finishes airing. Fall 2018: As you know, I now have a Netflix subscription, thus am naturally biased towards anime that airs on Netflix. Thus, I recently finished Psaiki Kusou no Psai Nan, in a marathon. Now I am watching Goblin Slayer and Radiant. 4. Radiant.. This show is amazing. Has an old school charm about it that I do not find from the current shounens. I do not thing that the MAL rating is justice to it. I have read the manga and thus know that the later episodes would be even better. 5. Goblin Slayer. A very good show. It goes on about a mysterious warrior and his adventures in a monster filled world where he only kills goblins. A typical action anime to watch. I have a gut feeling that the anime is rolling upto some big plot. Will have to wait and see. 6. B: The Beginning. I felt that the rating in MAL is slight injustice to the show. People have complained about the show being rushed and half hearted. But considering the show is only 12 episodes, I think they have done a fairly good job of it. Though I would agree with others that Koku's storyline could have simply been scooped out and left with Keith's and it still would have been a very good show. 7. Kakegurui. Kakegurui is an unusual anime in an unique setting. It mostly revolves around tactics of gambling and the irony of it. It was fairly well made. I liked it. Certainly a different kind of show. 8. Psaiki Kusou no Psai Nan. It was a very enjoyable experience. I absolutely loved it. It was an excellent comedy. I talked with some Japanese people about it. He does not watch anime, and does not recognises traditional anime like Bleach or One Piece. However, he knew this one. It seems that this show is pretty popular in Japan. 9. Psaiki Kusou no Psai Nan 2. A continuation of the previous anime. The show was less episodic and had loosely connected storylines. Liked it very much. 10.Grand Blue Diving. Though I gave it a 9/10 in MAL, to be very honest, the anime could not be the masterpiece the manga is. Half the humor of the manga, which were in the reactions of the characters were skimmed swiftly in the anime. I think they would have done a better job if the just animated the manga panelwise with voice acting. But don't get me wrong, this is still gold. 11.Blame! Movie (2017). It was a CGI movie. I am not sure how to take it. It was good, and in fact better than the manga in some aspects. But there was a lot that could have been wanted from the animation. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2019: Continuing the trend of watching anime from the last year. I am officially watching anime again now. Winter 2019: This year I started my list with mostly comedy anime. Because I really could use a good laugh. 1. Daily Life of High School Boys. This is the first anime of 2019. It was awesome! I laughed so hard on this one. A must watch for anyone looking for a laugh. 2. Monthly Girl's Nozaki Kun. This anime is quite hilarious, though might not be explicitly funny. I had a very good time watching this one. Hoping to follow up on the specials too. 3. Mob_Psycho_100 Rarely have I seen an anime which has a second season better than the first. Mob psycho 100 is that and much more. Hats off to it!!!! 4. Cromartie High School My ongoing spree of comedies. Another trophy on the shelf. Excellent anime to watch in pasttime. 5. Shimoneta!!!!!! Another comedy series on the hat. And did I mention that the hat also has feathers of a cock? ;) Spring 2019: I went back to a manga I absolutely adored and admired. Trying to watch interesting new anime here. 6. Yakusoku no Neverland. The jewel on my crown. I followed this series from day one. I am so proud of it, from what it started with and the limitless potential it had. I am so proud of what it has become. Super happy about the anime. List of Manga Following: I had recently downloaded an app called webtoons and is reading a lot of......exactly that, webtoons. And only now I regret not following this genre before. 01. One-Punch Man. The level of this manga has transcended beyond petty good and great. It is unparalleled. I recently picked up the webcomic, and finished it in a day. 02. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin). A manga which went slow as a snail for a good part of 2016 and late 2015. It just recently picked up pace. And it is now making good progress, with a lot of new reveals 03. Souma's Food Wars(Shokugeki no Souma). Anime lover's standard issue. A very interesting manga which jocks you hard on excitement, especially when there are female judges ;) 04. A Promised Neverland. A gem in grindstones, this manga is a one in a million plot. Extremely well paced and high on enjoyment. Highly recommended to any anime lover. 05. Nanatsu no Taizai(Seven Deadly Sins). This manga has recently became one of my favourites. It has became really interesting in the recentmost holy war arc. I am really excited to see how this unfolds. 06. Lookism A masterpiece by Taejoon Park. This had recently slowed down on its pace a bit. Especially because I had grown accustomed to having 5 chapters a week, and it recently came down to just one chapter a week, just when it was at its peak too. A shame. I take back everything that I had said about it. This is going beyond any expectations I could have. I am awestruck. Exceptional read. 07. Dr. Stone. Another comdedy manga with a promising plot, moulded in fantasy and a ridiculous amount of science. Applaud the writer for creating something this difficult in such a humorous setting. Update: This manga has really taken off in recent times. The potential has been realised. It is also getting an anime. Now they just have to get Senku's voice acting right. :D 08. Hunter_x_Hunter. Togashi has apparently slowed down to a snail's pace where he is satisfied with only one volume per year. Still, that's one volume more than what we used to get. Should we celebrate?. Jokes apart, always glad to get more of HxH, but why can't he publish a bit more???? 09. Berserk. It takes a special kind of talent to publish less than 12 chapters an year and still be MAL #1. Well, that should say all about it. 10. Grand Blue. This is comedy, this is hilarious, this is nonpareil. You should read this if you love to laugh, you should read this if you don't love to laugh, you should read this if you're depressed, you should read this if you are on high spirits. You should read this, period! Read this! Like, NOW 11. Phantom Paradise. A reverse harem plot with a quickly thickening storyline. Its new, and I wish to see where it goes. You can read it legally in the webtoon app on android. 12. I Love Yoo. This is a fresh webtoon and is surprisingly good. The story is somewhat typical yet very complex and enjoyable. Loved it very much. It's currently on a hiatus. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2016 I have started the list from fall of 2016. Mangas do not follow a season cadence. So it might not be entirely accurate. Fall 2016 1. Red Sprite. Was a very interesting plot. Got axed after 14 chapters. Sad 2. Berserk. What can I say? Best ever? One of the best ever? Up there with FMA? All of them together? I'm strictly at a loss for words at this one. If you haven't read it, read it; period. But take the PG rating to account. You can also check out my review at Nihonden.com 3. Demon's Plan. An interesting new manga. But it was dropped quite soon. 4. Fire Brigade of Flames. Dropped it. In retrospect, it was rather boring. I gave it a 6/10 on MAL, which usually means that it was uninteresting, but not irritating. That is, it was not very good, but it did not go out of its way to be bad. 5. Bleach. Completed Bleach. Was disappointed with the ending. It was complete voodoo how Ichigo won. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2017: I mostly continued those series that I was following in 2017 to 2018. So the ones you'd see here are mostly those that were either small, or axed, or finished. Winter 2017 1. Checkpoint. A manhwa, but strangely enough, the link is not up at MAL. Was an extremely interesting manhwa. But seems to be axed after 12 chapters. 2. Akame Ga Kill. A bit offbeat manga. Not very good, but tolerable. (Post Completion:-) The last chapter felt surprisingly good. A very satisfactory ending, I did not expect better 3. Jagaaaaaan. A dystopian take on mutation. Had gore and violence. Dropped as translators dropped the series. Spring 2017 4. Fairy Tail. Anime lover's standard issue. Nothing new here. Completed and moved on. 5. Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock. Was bored, so completed it. 6. Dragon Ball Super. Dropped it at this stage to catch the anime. I do not know how many chapters has come out since. Was actually far more enjoyable manga because it truly was a comedy manga. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2018: New manga added to the list of following. But they are somewhat sporadic. I read them when I am bored and desperately want to read a fresh manga chapter. Spring 2018: Till now, I had completed only one comic in 2018, and that is the One Punch Man webcomic. Still, as it goes. 1. One Punch Man webcomic. To those who are following the manga by Murata, it is not recommended to follow it, since it contains a lot of unnecessary spoilerss, and Murata is reinterprating the manga in his own way. Still, it was good to know the brilliant inspiration behind the great One-Punch Man manga. Fall 2018: I have mostly picked up some extra manga of the shows that I was watching. Namely, Radiant. 2. The Villager of Level 999. It is an interesting take on an OPM esque protagonist. Though recentmost chapters have made me believe that it will ceratinly go different from OPM. A nice read for those free times when I am just drying up and want something to read immediately. 3. Radiant. I picked up this manga because I could not wait for the next episode. But I would say that the show is numerous times better than the manga. For some reason, there was no page for the manga in MAL, thus the link points to the Anime page. 4. Blame!. I read Blame! because I am a big Souls series fan, and people told me that Blame! has a very similar vibe. But to be honest, I found it a bit lacking in the storytelling aspect. Because there is so little dialogue, the story leaves gaping holes everywhere. But the art was EXCELLENT! The megastructures were beautiflly drawn. Nevertheless a very good read. 5. Moon You. A comedy plot in a serious setting where earth has collided with an asteriod and a lone survivour is stuck in a moon base with a kangaroo. Did I say kangaroo? ;) Yes, a kangaroo. Apparently, they are very tasty. You can read it legally in the webtoon app on android. Update: It has come to a bit of a crawl lately. I often find myself skipping chapters. I don't know whether I will drop it.. Update: Dropped 25th May 2018: Updated a lot of code and decorations. So let me know if something breaks ;) The profile is best viewed in Desktop on 1080p 16th November 2018: Updated general profile information. Added new shows. Etc. 16th December 2018: Added Psaiki Kusou, Grand Blue, and Blame! 2nd March 2019: Added the page for 2019. New anime: Daily life of High School Boys, Monthly Girl's Nozami Kun. This beautiful image is credited to Mr. Weaselmon |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 47.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries63
- Reread3
- Chapters8,035
- Volumes441
All Comments (11) Comments
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Here you go then (I reuploaded the manga on Mega) : here and here
The two extra chapters are here and here.
Thanks for the compliment though, I have been watching anime since last 4-5 years and never got bored of it I guess.
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