Wading back into Anime . . . Right now watching comedy, romance, drama, harem (ugh - I know, get a life, right?). Ok, so I'm 40 something married with children and those genres might give the impression that I'm a bit of a goof, but I am not (well, not so much). I may be a bit out of my element here (age wise) on MAL, but I'm trying new stuff like discussing common interests with folks online just to get out of my comfort zone and because my family and friends really aren't into anime. I do enjoy good characters and a good story and can take it or leave it with the ecchi fan service stuff (sometimes its funny, most of the time it is gratuitous).
I'm always looking for the next show to watch so if you stumble across my profile and list, please reach out and suggest something you liked. I'm not stuck in my current genres as I just want to watch series/movies with a good story and characters.
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Oh been watching all airing animes, realy loved Hidan no Aria, now trying to make my internet faster because dad messed up something :( so could watch Mahou sensei Negima and Supernatural the animated :)
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