hmmm idk about that, most ppl u see around here are eager to answer those kind of questions, or at least, what i've seen. I mean, yeah, life is about living it not about a specific goal bc you just won't get any enjoyment from it at all which is a waste and a pity. Yeah, I never really understood materialistic desires as CORNY as that sounds but i dont feel any need for it although i respect a lot when ppl get so passionate they focus on collecting stuff, it also helps a lot of creators so im glad. Yeah, surrounded by ppl that love u in both a romantic and platonic sense seems to be what ppl most aspire to, so i find it amusing how its so difficult to truly find it. Do you have any plans to achieve it?
exactly, like even just reviewing anime which is as dumb as it sounds, i feel how i cant enjoy stuff as fully bc im constantly evaluating so i cant even imagine what it must be like acutally working on things you like. thank you!! ill tryyyy to make it better. hahaa yeh the concepts of theroretical science are pretty neat i won't deny, fascintating. Hmmm well happy would just mean being happy about who i am and what ive done ig. Being proud of it. There is no clear picture for me, if I reach that level of liking who i am then i dont care what i have or what i dont. wbu, what is your happy future??
hmm bc i feel like engineers get stuff done at the end of the day, while other branches of science are much more theoretical. yeaaaahhhh unis in USA seem completely cash grabbing schemes and i do agree they should try and prepare ppl better for what they may want in the future instead of just thrusting them into it all tsktsk. awwwww videogames sound sick, yeah i wanted to also focus on that but i didnt want a hobby to become like a burden. Hmmm well, try and improve this world even in the smallest of ways ig and to be happy essentially hahah
yeh exactly!! at least ppl are calming down so thats good and stuff can actually be ignored. oooffff yeh man hahaha you really back with those anime. hmm i go to school for biochemical eng what about u? what did u study or are studying?
awwwww thats very sweet. Yup, here too, and everyone's getting infected so idk when it'll reach its peak and go down bc for now im not seeing it do so. No avoiding it,as you rightfully said, even friends that you know can't change anything go on and on about it tsk tsk, thank you for the wishes and likewise! When did you first start getting into anime?
hhahaha true true, with age does come experience so u get my respect.
well rn nothing bc coronavirus really hitting hard, but normally my time is divided in uni, friends and basically that ngl. what about yourself?
yeah!! i really liked utena and thats what i was hoping here too but the protag isssss not as good. HMHM symbolism and psychological themes right up my alley. AND satoshi kon yeah!! everything great
gotta crack down in all his fabulous stuff these days ngl
ooohh haruhi! ive always heard great things but idk if im too old for it now.
ittss good but im a sucker for exactly these types of themes, like girl being boylike, old anime and nice art. it is NOT going as i expected which isnt good :c but oh well, maybe itll be better
what are u watching?
Kinda the same more or less! Just started last year and it's been pretty entertaining tbh . Reviews are my favourite thing to do but I just take sooo long completing anything. You planning on joining some group?
All Comments (17) Comments
well rn nothing bc coronavirus really hitting hard, but normally my time is divided in uni, friends and basically that ngl. what about yourself?
oh u win by a MILE, im 20
guess ill have to start calling u grandpa
how old are you?
gotta be utena ngl hahah im a sucker for butch girls, and happy saturday!
gotta crack down in all his fabulous stuff these days ngl
ooohh haruhi! ive always heard great things but idk if im too old for it now.
what are u watching?