I just watch anime that is somewhat popular or has an intriguing synopsis. I don't have time to watch random ass overrated shows like (brb let me look for some high rated long Japanese named show) Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai. Like what on Earth would compel me to waste my time with that?
Yes, I hate slice-of-life and Romcom
Yes, I am extremely sensitive to cringe
No, I am not a troll or hater
No, I am not a nihilistic edgelord either
All Comments (31) Comments
I already refuted your stupid statement and you can't accept it, so you repeat it as an idiot.
While avoiding the truth about your pedophilia. Still pathetic and sick.
And no, I don't have any waifu bed sheet or any other anime character merchandise, but again, you perfectly represent how a defensive idiot acts. You can't accept that you are wrong, so you keep lying. Btw, that's why you accepted that you are a pedophile.
But, let's say I have a waifu bed sheet, so what? Even if it's true, it doesn't prove your original statement. It's a completely different thing.
It's hilarious how much you are willing to lie to cover up your pedophilia.
First, when someone says something about you and you say it's not true that is not being defensive. It has nothing to the with being defensive. It's stating the truth.
Second, being defensive it actually what you are doing. You couldn't come up with anything on your own, so you stole what I said about you. It's a pretty common tactic among defensive idiots like you. :)
And third, you proved that you are a pedophile. You think everyone chooses their favorites based on their sexual attractiveness, because that's the only way you can think about characters even about children. You can't accept that other people can see their personalities or any other factors. While the truth is every character in my favorites is there because of their personalities. As for Frill, because I assume you meant her, she is there for the same reason as Magase Ai. Both of them are creepy and scary. Creating a truly scary character who is scary because of their personality, not because of their appearance, is pretty hard. That's why they are in my favorites.
On the other hand, you were thinking about her sexually, which is sick. You should seek medical help.
And just for clarification, my favorites mean age is above 100. :D
So, my question is, how does it feel to be a pedophile? Based on your comment, that's what you are.