If you still can't see how my profile literally screams with Kiniro Mosaic then i will tell you: My favorite series is Kiniro Mosaic
11: Kiniro Mosaic
10: Besides being perfect there is something special about it.
9: Is perfect but there isnt anything special thing about it. Was a bit better than other shows like this though.
8: Is perfect but there isnt anything special thing about it.
7: Really immersive and almost perfect.
6: Very cool however it has it's flaws.
5: Not bad. Doesn't offer much and is barely above average though.
4: Pretty average and not something that you would watch again.
3.5: Barely offers anything and it's really hard to enjoy because of its massive flaw(s).
3: Terrible. Doesnt offer anything and isn't enjoyable however you can see that they at least tried while making it.
2: Garbage so bad that it's funny. (usually shitpost)
1B: Productions with theoretically higher scores that have been lowered after doing something that was too much for me. This deed must have been terrible enough to make me cancel every earlier thought about it.
1: Ultimate shit tier that is not even good at being bad. Watching not recommended for your own sake.
(11, 3.5 and 1B are written in tags since they are not official)
3 more things:
-I rate the entire series as one big thing so it's a single score which depends on every part (after all you watch something for the entire story so when one part is GOATed and the other part is absolute garbage then it makes the whole thing less enjoyable)
-(8 to 11) Must watch
(5 to 7) Worth watching
(3 to 4) Not really worth watching but if you already finished everything else then i
guess you can do it
(2) Worth watching only if you want shitpostish ones
(1 to 1B) No. Just don't watch it
-I left comments in my Anime List under everything that is rated 3.5 or lower
where do i even host those pictures lol. i tried to update the old ones but these new ones just don't seem to work
Mobile Suit Gundam the movie mastergrade box (LD)
supercell (通常盤)
TVアニメ『ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 2nd Season』エンディングテーマ 「人芝居」
TVアニメ「 少女終末旅行 」 オリジナルサウンドトラック
TVアニメ「神様になった日」 Original Soundtrack
TVアニメ『ゆるキャン△ SEASON2』オリジナル・サウンドトラック
TVアニメ TARI TARI ミュージックアルバム~歌ったり、奏でたり~
TVアニメ「 少女終末旅行 」エンディングテーマ「 More One Night 」
TVアニメ「 少女終末旅行 」オープニングテーマ「 動く、動く 」
TVアニメ「 宇宙よりも遠い場所 」 オリジナルサウンドトラック
TVアニメ『アリスと蔵六』オリジナルサウンドトラック Imagination Wondersound
映画 聲の形 オリジナル・サウンドトラック a shape of light
Bravely you/灼け落ちない翼
オリジナルサウンドトラック「ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 音楽集」
i also own 4 original compact cassettes from Sailor Moon but its hard to find any info about them so im only saying that i got something but not sure what that is lol
191 Slavic centimeters of Kiniro Mosaic and Audio/Video
fav genres and themes: Apocalypse, Survival, Adventure, Slice of life, Military and Music
You might ask yourself: Who tf is that Kiniro Mosaic guy that you see in every topic for some reason... WELL that Kiniro Mosaic guy isn't obsessed only about it and isn't only known as Kiniro Mosaic guy.
Meet the speaker guy. A guy who is an extreme audio/video collector and audiophile.
NOW GUESS WHAT... He combines those 2 obsessions together.
(though since we are on MAL only one half of myself is activated whatever that means lmao)
i apologize for the forum game incident. Whatever happened when i just went to the question before forgetting about your own, it's not a excuse for ignoring it. i'm sorry.
All Comments (128) Comments
How did we get here xD... Well I hope you had a great day 🫨
tinshard both watched and liked gakkougurashi!
Yes, and one day I want to get all volumes of the manga. I want to own Berserk too but that would cost a lot