Shrimp are decapod crustaceans with elongated bodies and a primarily swimming mode of locomotion, but unfortunately, I am slightly different from the common one.
Averege JoJo enjoyer, I like to watch anime and read a little manga in my free time.
Anyways, there might be some useful links in the images. If you want to see some more useless stuff go down.
Survive said the Prophet is top tier J-Rock band, so you might see a lot of their songs.
Excluding Doraimon, that I've watched when I was a kid, I can say that I started watching anime in the Winter of 2020.
My first manga was Eyeshield 21, and I've started it in the Winter of 2021.
My favorite genres Sci-Fi♢Slice-of-Life♢Psychological♢Romance
My method rating an anime is by: Story, Characters, Animation, Music and my Enjoyment.
Manga is the same but without the music, and Art instead of Animation.
My anime Graph
Winter: Vinland Saga without any doubt.
Although Nagatoro made a huge comeback from being cringe asf to watchable.
Spring: Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc, with huge upgrades (Zenitsu wasn't in it), but still with mid, crybaby, silly ahh protagonist. The last one was slightly better because of the hashiras and upper demons.
I have to do an honorable mention, being that about My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999. After watching a lot of generic, basic, mid Romances, I can say with confidence that this one was really nice compared to the average one, and it kept my interest since the first episode.
Also have to put my thoughs on Oshi no ko, because it was a similar situation of Bochii the Rock. Not worthy of being at the top for even 1 second, how can you say that the first episode was a Masterpiece, if you didn't even knew the characters? Just silly putting it on the top.
Being one of my first seasons that I was watching as the anime was airing, I didn't watch a lot. There were two good ones, but the best was defenitelly Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc, making this season kinda Meh, cause Demon Slayer is not that great of an anime as a whole.
Not Love is War, and it didn't even deserved to be on the top (I'm not a FMA supremacist btw).
So I have to go with the obvious choice Spy Family. Summer-time render was nice in the begining, but then it kinda got weird so no.
Only watched 2 shitty ones so have to go with Call of the night.
Easy choice bc I love Mob Psycho, but Spy Family, Blue Lock and Mha were also good ones.
Didn't watch Bleach yet.
Chainsaw and Bochii the Rock are overrated.
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