Proudly representing the order of the waifuless, the non-bestgirling elite, the honourable manga shunning peasant race as esteemed, casul weebtrash.
Post-ironic idol obsession turned terminal gacha-addiction.
Please send help... or your credit card info... Am recovered from gacha now. thank.
Bushimo... Kuraftueggu... ahaha...
My ratings are largely subjective and directly comparative.
What I look for in a show is something genuine, works with a heart.
Anime is plagued with rehashes of rehashes, stories retold that were never worth telling.
But I won't lie... if it's wholesome and the girls are cute a lot can be forgiven.
I also happen to share my exact birthday with Hirasawa Yui, which may or may not
be one of the primary things that give my life meaning at this point.
I've just been sucking and pleasing so many filthy cocks, that I've not had time for anything else.
Also that new Pokemon game came out, so all my time not spent on cock pleasuring is spent on that.
SOON though.
All Comments (23) Comments
I've just been sucking and pleasing so many filthy cocks, that I've not had time for anything else.
Also that new Pokemon game came out, so all my time not spent on cock pleasuring is spent on that.
SOON though.
I get two days off starting on the 22nd!
That being said, Yui best grill 4 ever
Wonderful addition to your profile btw