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Days: 249.8
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed1,045
- On-Hold3
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch156
- Total Entries1,208
- Rewatched2
- Episodes15,344
All Comments (481) Comments
For sure, would be ideal to find one that's really entertaining. Sadly that's not easy, haha. Even the best employers will have you work at project that are less enjoyable from time to time I assume.
Ah yeah, -1, that's around the edge of it. You can still do basically everything, but it's quite an inconvinience in many situations.
Only 1?! Wot! That's rough man. Hope you'll be able to make some time for it. Also... YES, Horimiya was frigging great! Loved it! I also just finished SK∞, that was also pretty damn entertaining.
We have the same weird as weather (Netherlands btw), one day it's snowing and hailing, the next day 20 degrees and we don't need to wear a jacket anymore. Really weird shiz. Water supply maintenance, that sucks, I don't think I've ever had that happen knowingly. Must be pretty horrible to have worse water for a while, though tbf, many countries have that at all times xD I remember the struggle at a holiday in Greece for example, needing to buy water every other day and carry it up on the mountainous area xD Until November though, big oof.... guess you'll probably get used to it pretty soon, hopefully at least.
Ah, I checked and it comes down to this. Over here we have 2 standard paths after "high school", you can either go HBO, which results in a bachelor (takes 4 years), and you have the option to go for a master's, which requires an additional switchyear. (total 3 extra years), or you can go to university, which combines the bachelor and master's into 5 years (3 years bachelor, 2 years master's). I took the 4 year HBO path, and I'm probably not going for a master's degree. There is also another possible path, which results in a degree, but not a title, like Bachelor, or Master. But yeah, anyways xD.. maybe I'll do a master's at some point, but not now. :D
Hope you're able to get a fun job where you can use your creativity, although that's pretty far away still.
Man that age positivity xD xD. *Insert Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life* But yeah, I get you.
Ah, so your eyesight isn't bad enough to influence your regular daily life, that's good at least. My eyes were quite shitty later on. If I would go swimming without my contacts I'd probably lose people pretty quickly. Mine were about -4 for both of them.
7 anime, and those are rooky numbers, oof xD. I'm more of a binchwatch kinda person, but most of the time I can't resist the airing shows xD I've seen all of those anime, except for Cells at work, and I'll soon start on Log Horizon, and Attack on Titan(I was able to resist this time). I'll tell you one thing, if you've read the Promised Neverland manga, don't expect too much from the remaining anime episodes, it was quite a disaster if you compare them. I also really liked Mashoku Tense, and Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun, and I'm planning on watching Horimiya, Wonder Egg Priority, and probably beastars as well. The season finally ended, so I can go all the binching!
Fun you celebrate it :D Any bit of celebration, even more in these times is quite welcome probably :D
Since you'll be going to school for a while still that'll last quite a bit longer. I am currently close to that point. Almost done with the bachelor, and that'll probably be the time to become a real adult xD Get a fulltime job, find a place of my own, stuff like that. Currently still with my parents, but it's probably time to grow up a bit, but not too much ofc ;P
26 isn't that old! ;P (24 atm) Probably not too rare to be done with uni at the age of 26.
Yeah..., close-up screens, and a lot of looking nearby is not too great for your eyes, but if you need them, you'll get used to them in no time.
ZOOMING shall continue! You do so as well!
I play d&d online, pretty easy to access. If you're interested it's pretty easy to find games on From one shots to full on weekly campaigns, but yeah, you might not have the time for it atm.
7 is still a decent amount, 20 is a LOT xD What are you watching atm? :) I think I'll start watching Jujutsu Kaisen soon, as it just finished airing.
Nah, we don't really celebrate it, other than eating chocolate xD We might hide some eggs for my sister, but probably not even that xD
Haha, getting older, yeah, doesn't have to be sad. We're still at the age where a Birthday is an enjoyable, happy thing. When that big three-o starts to close in the sweating will start. For now just enjoy! We're still in the "best" years ;) But it has certainly been a long time, haha.
Oof, 3 years worth of study, and a job on top of that, iiiiiiit's a lot. All for a good purpose! Get through it, and hopefully get out with a job which you really enjoy!
Man, that sucks, hope your eyesight isn't too bad, but if you do need it, you'll get used to it pretty quickly. For me it went the other way around, I already had glasses for a while, but I used some saved up money to have my eyes lasered. So happy with that.
Oh that's quite lucky about the Covid thing. Over here it's quite a lockdown, with curfew, and stuff like that. Luckily enough, I'm in an IT internship, which can pretty easily be done from home, so I'm still zoomin.
Good, yeah, I agree! Glad to read you're happy. :D I'm doing good, could be better since the Covid situation doesn't seem like it will get any better in the not even near-future, but more xD BUT, still doing well, still enjoying some anime, still time to play games and stuff, still able to see friends once every few weeks, still able to talk to people while playing online d&d (I know, NERDDD). I'm all good :)
Life's good, I'm almost done with school as well. Just one internship remaining, before I'll join you in joblessland ;) It was quite the surprise, this revival, if only I'd taken it! How is life? :)
Really like all the artpieces btw! Hadn't seen most of them yet!
Oh and a happy 2019, 2020, and 2021, and some Merry Chistmases as well! ;P
Well the last year in school was horrible I was constantly over-stressed and doing a lot of work for everyone else. It was terrible and it only ended really recently but I'm still coming down from the constant anxiety @_@
Right now I'm trying to focus on content creation and getting away from a lot of time sinks like social media. I'm super burned out and drained from the last two semesters of school.
The clubs are doing well, thanks for asking, and I'm glad to see you making stuff again looks beautiful and is contest worthy :D