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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Apr 5, 2019 6:33 PM
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Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan shita kedo, Kawaikatta node Kekkon shimashita: Akuma no Niizuma
Apr 12, 2023 2:04 AM
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And don't worry, I'll reply to your comment when I can.
Wanna you make it easier to chat? xD
Mira!! I have no objections to that name! And yes, I say that because of my waifu xD but Mirana really is a good sounding name, just like Selica. You even made her outfit green in that previous picture you sent which makes me think of Mira even more! xP
hmm, they sound like the could be twins, maybe you could work that into their background? :P
Whenever I was to make a female character for a game it would always take me a while to think of one, the name I would always use for the first female character I made on a game was Astrid. After that, I would look at movies like Lord of the Rings for good names, Arwen was probably my second choice of name.
Yeah, I know what you mean, when I was at uni I would always hear someone complaining about him and he has nothing to do with us. I remember I had one mate who was very against him and our government leader, Theresa May, and another mate who was for both of them. There was no arguing, just a lot of joking between the two.
Don't worry, you can't really say anything these days without getting labelled a full on right wing nazi or a left wing commie, I don't see why people can't have neutral discussions and opinions. there can be both good and bad things on both sides of the political spectrum, and just because there will be one thing that is good for you, doesn't mean it's good for everyone.
I wish people would just think first rather than act like fucking morons...
Oh they did a collab? I may have to dig that out and give it a watch to see what they did.
umm, no, I would not say that is weird at all, I think that's completly normal wanting her to say Fuck Kyu to you, I think I want her to say it to me now that you made me watch those videos o-o
I saw her!! Even the drones that look like they fly next to her look like little speakers. She looks sooo cute!! Did you ever manage to choose?
Oh yes, I scrolled back and saw that you were looking to buy a lewd daki!! It would be nice to have a lewd vanilla daki though, wouldn't it? hmm, I think you should get one!!!! definitely not trying to peer pressure you into getting one btw >u>
And guess what!!!! My daki pillow arrived!!! Wanna see Mira chilling in my bed? :3
hmm, well, if your looking for a notebook that's easy to carry around I'd probably still go for the 13in one. When I was at uni, I carried around my 15in gaming laptop and it was heavy as fuck. Even though it was still lighter than my really, really old laptop which isn't a gaming laptop, carrying it to and from uni, and around lectures and workshops and the library was so tedious, I really wish I bought a much more portable laptop. But even the gaming laptop I bought was a few hundred pounds cheaper than that HP laptop you linked.
What the heck was your brother doing up there?! You are so lazy, I thought I was lazy, but I guess it just triggers my OCD a bit xD
I watched them videos and yeah, I had no idea Yugioh was so dark, plus I had no idea how much of Yugioh I had completely forgotten, all those hours and days of watching Yugioh as a kid have been completely forgotten as I didn't really recognise anything in these. It's the same with Dragonball Z too and probably other old school animes I watched. That really makes me sad now.
Wow, Shuvi was dropped from you top waifu list fast! Why is that? One minute, facing off with Hibiki, the next she's completely dropped.
Oh no! Good luck with your Physics classes!! Hope you and your studies are going fine ;-;
Also look how just got a nendo... now I have to get her to complete the set I have...
And what do you think about the Emelia? Bet you wish she was your Physics lecturer huh?
And I just noticed in that last image you sent of showing off MAL's top anime list because of April fools. Are you really watching a video on youtube called "Come stare at my beard"???? xD
Oh right yeah, guess if she gets a lot she'd be pretty busy. Be sure to poke me with a link of your finished waifu, can't wait to see what she looks like :3
ooooh she looks very kuudere like! She looks cute!! She looks pale enough, just how pale of a colour do you want her? Like pure white? :P
I can't tell because of the image (because she may be squinting) but your PSO2 eyes look a bit rounder than the eyes in the image. I still think she looks good.
The Virgin killer sweater! xD Where did you come across that? Can you just but them in shops? The outfit maks your character look soo slim, slimmer than what she looks like in her armour.
Yeah, I know that Cali is like the bluest state compared to everywhere else. Which to be fair, there is nothing wrong with being against him if (especially if you never voted for him to begin within the first place), but I guess there has to be a little bit of cooperation or else he'll literally just stop funding everything like you said.
You said you took a tour of the place right? Did you have a chance to have a look at the living areas by any chance?
I only like, watched a couple of Kizuna AI's videos when she first started getting recognised ages ago, probably because you sent me a link or I somehow stumbled upon her, but I don't watch any virtual youtubers. Pretty sure everyone else only started doing it because of Kizuna Ai right? Or were there people before her but she's just got the best personality?
I watched a few vids of Kaguya and they are really laggy, I'm not sure how people can watch that.
I don't even know what Megami Device is but she looks really, really good. The art style and the colours on her look amazing.
My Elf in a swimsuit ;__; f-fine, if you want her I shall allow you, only because she's adorable but I expect pictures of her if you do get her ;-;
oooh of course, it's Vanilla, you can't keep away from lewd neko girls can you. a-and that's a very, very lewd daki >////> Have you ever slept with her? w-with the lewd side facing you? o//o
Both +$1K. Yep. That really is expensive. I don't think I've ever bought an electronic that expensive either. Whenever I've tried looking for a decent notebook you pretty much have to spend that much on one for it to be good.
Purely on aesthetics I like the HP one more. Like, it just looks sexy and I don't really like the part where the screen connects to the rest of the base unit on the Surface.
But, anyway, the specs on the HP look better too, 16GB memory and an I7 compared to 8GB memory and an I5 on the Surface.
Granted it is a fuck tonne more expensive. I mean, you could buy like more than 10 lewd figures with that amount of money.
The only one I'm really looking forward too is Boku No Hero. The rest in the top of yours are sequals and I've never seen the previous series ^^"
I'll probably check out Tachibanakan Triangle as you know, gotta watch at least one ecchi show per season.
Hinamatsuri looks interesting and I kind of like the look of Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
I'll try and find something else but this season is the season of sequels by the looks of it.
oh damn your room looks so good with that new light! It doesn't look like as much as a dungeon as that first before picture xP . It's good. but dude, fix your damn blinds! come one man.
Wait what? it's that dark? I used to watch that show so much as a kid and I never realised any of that.
umm, ok, all of that sounds dark as fuck. That really happened? Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh is the darkest anime I have ever watced to date and I didn't even realise it.
Yeah, I saw that yesterday, it doesn't show up in my Last Anime Updates so I was confused where it came from and wtf it was. Did you watch the youtube video of it? It's actually a 6 minute documentary (youtube video) that they did. When I click on stats on the MAL entry it's funny to see some people changed it to 1 star. Wait but people are actually mad about that? I've never seen fullmetal alchemist do I don't really care, plus I didn't even know it was that big of a show.
Oh I see you added Konjiki no Yami to your wall of waifus. I have to be honest I can't remember who was there before because you have so many waifus'. So who did you replace this time? huh? Who did you make cry?!?! >__>
oh, well, I don't like coffee so I can never use that to keep me awake and about after an hour or so of drinking an energy drink I wanna die cause it feels I don't have any energy left.
Oh! I know of NyanAFK. I'm sure I've watched a few of her vids ages ago, yeah her voice is so cute :3. Einshine sounds familiar too. So did she complete your drawing? How long does it usually take for her to complete work?
Oh so you only just came started using Nelico for her recently? Well it's pretty nice. I'm surprised you didn't make her a kuudere though. What does your other kuudere OC look like? Is she a PSO2 character your created too?
ooooh, it's those kind of students huh? I'm guessing you'll end up seeing a lot of protesting and very vocal students and lectures against Trump then huh?
Are students over there still crazy about Trump? I used to see a lot of shit over the internet about students on both sides going crazy like you had antifa on one and what were pretty much white nationalists on the other. I don't hear that much on them now. Just a lot of stupid stuff that Trumps doing or in some cases things that he should be doing but he isn't.
At my uni, I had my own bedroom and ensuite with toilet, sink and shower, but then I shared a kitchen with 4 other people, I think a lot of dorms would be like that, and you would have to share to a certain extent, but I don't know about sharing a bedroom with someone else.
It's just an interesting experience living kind of independent from your family which you've never done before I'm guessing? I was the same so I wanted to try it out to see what it was like. But if it's a lot of money, then I probably wouldn't bother with it then. It's better to save up for later, rather than spend everything you have just for uni.
Oh wow, I guess she's much more popular than I thought she was, and she must be really popular in Japan to be getting all these figures.
Wait and there are others? I haven't even heard of Kaguya Luna yet she's getting a figure too? I am not up to date with these virtual youtubers at all.
Don't worry, there are definitely some English translations of the instruction booklets, here's one for Gourai:
Do you remember who the lewd daki was off? and how lewd are we talking here? Like, kinda lewd or lewd lewd? I ordered a daki pillow and it should arrive next month. Finally, I can use that Mira daki I bought so long ago.
Yes, ok, fine, I admit that was ONE of the reasons why I carried on watching it but not the only one... It was actually really enjoyable to watch overall, I need more yuri shows now >///> Sakure Trick? hmmmmm, now you have my attention, I will have to research this show.
And up at 6am?? How did are you able to keep yourself awake and brain functioning at that time? Whenever I tried to do that when I was at uni, and if I was writing a report or code, then I'd have to rewrite everything after getting some sleep as what I wrote was complete and utter rubbish xD.
You should get some sleep!! You shouldn't have replied at that time, you need rest too!
Oh Cool! Who is the artist you submitted Nelico to? And did you just send pics of your mmo character? I think it's really cool that a character you made is not going to be drawn by a professional. You've created a waifu yourself, no man should have that kind of power >_>
ohh I see. I understand now. I'm not sure if there is an equivalent to your state-owned universities here. I'm pretty sure once you have finished your degree, you can probably try and stay with a professor and at the uni to work on research and other things. But you only do that if you are really smart and if that's what you wanted to do. And I think you can do that anywhere. People just end up staying at the university their whole life doing that. Once they finish their Bachelor's degree, they'll do a masters, then a doctorate and so on. They never understand what it's like working in an actual workplace.
Wait? It actually has a Nuclear Reactor at the uni?? That's crazy! It's also crazy that it's huge like a city. I can't image what it's like there, must be cool, but difficult to study there.
Yeah, I don't think there is anything wrong with considering moving into a dorm. I have a friend at work who does the same job as me, but he started straight out of school as an apprentice so he's been working for about 5 years (but he's the same age as me). and the only thing he regrets about not taking the university approach is the fact that he missed out on the university life.
So I would say to give it a try maybe for a year or something, or maybe just for a single semester if you can. If you don't like it then you can always go back home before you lose too much money on the rent for the place.
Good, good. I know you cannot resist the urge to look at pantsu :3
Branpresto can be kinda bad though huh? hmm, guess I'll have to keep my eye on that brand to probably avoid.
Oh and yeah!! xD I saw that earlier too, I can't believe there are figures of Kizuna Ai now!!!
The instructions are all in Japanese... But the images are pretty good and simple to understand. There is usually only a bit of Japanese text next to the images that will usually mean something like "have the piece facing in x direction". I just used a Japanese dictionary online to translate a few kanji but other than that I didn't have any issues. There are probably English versions online too but I didn't need them.
Oh right yes, you did mention that. And I remember the free one too.
Fine, fine, share your feels then, just don't expect me not to get sad. D:
oho! Good! I was wondering why would you get a hugging pillow and never hug them. You need to hug your daki waifu's everyday :3
5 pillows?!?! You're always making me jealous of your room >___>"
Yeah, it's a lot better having your apps spread out across screens rather than alt-tabbing every 2 seconds.
ah, yeah I understand. To be honest, I don't really sit and watch romance animus but this is really nice and cute to watch. I don't know why but it always makes me smile watching it :P well as other things when the yuri scenes start up o///o
So did you read any of that manga yet? I've not actually had a chance to look at it yet.
Yeah, when I was reading that paragraph, I was wondering what the difference is between a CSU and UC. When I search CSU I just get colorado state university...
Would you also not like to live in a dorm at university? When I first started university, for the first two years I stayed at home as it only took around 30 or so minutes on a bus to get there in the morning and about the same to get back home, so there was no point in wasting the money, but in my final year I thought I'd try it out and so I did. My final year was after my year out on placement at work so I could afford it I guess, but it still was a waste of money when you think about it. but I kinda liked it, living away from home on my own. Because of that I really want to find a place now and rent a flat to live on my own away from my family.
Oh yeah, I know of Silicon Valley too, I guess if you went to East Bay, it would be a good chance to look around for opportunities for work, but it would be a really competitive place, as I would think students from all over the country would be looking for a place to work there, as like you said, it's the centre of engineering.
Oh! Are you on break now?? It's been like a week since I messaged you :P Have you had a chance to look at Miku's pantsu, errr I mean, do whatever you're meant to do on that Miku game. 0///0
Rem/Rom?? How dare you get Ram's name wrong >__>"
I did see this figure on amiami a few days ago:
Don't know how you feel about it.
Here are some images:
You can probably tell I haven't had to build a figure before because of how rough some of the edges are and where the piece was connected to the runner. but I think it looks ok as it was my first time. I also don't know if you can tell but I accidentally broke a couple of pieces on her legs so I couldn't connect them to her as the little plastic stub bit that sticks out broke off, which was my fault...
Wow! you bought six at once? Do you mean like in the same month?? That must have been one expensive month. You should save up fast so then you can preorder that assassin figure! lol, jk.
Oh, why did you have to tell me that now I feel sad and sorry for her and I haven't even played the game she's in :c I said it's ok for you to share the lewds but not ok for you to share the feels D:
oh yeah, I remember you telling me now that you sometimes put the covers on. ok, because of you I ordered a pillow too. you think it's embarrassing? Why? It is a hugging pillow after all. I guess, I wouldn't really tell irl people or people that don't watch anime. But I'd be fine telling you. I probably would end up hugging it because I already have two normal pillows on my bed, so I sleep on one but hug the other ^^;
Oh that is risky, and your daki's have a really lewd side to them as well don't they, you gotta hide your daki under your bed or somewhere before you comes in.
Oh cool! you got a third monitor!, your setup looks pretty cool now. the more monitors you add to your setup now, the harder it is to go back to using less monitors, that's how I feel xD At least those two monitors are the same, and you don't have three completely different monitors all with different levels of quality, that would seriously trigger any amount of OCD in me xD
Have you figured out what to use on each of them yet?
Also, that's a nice A2 wallpaper there :3
oh! I also just started to watch a couple episodes of Citrus... That's a pretty interesting anime that you should check out o-o
You mean you like this girl right?
hmm, I would say that I really like her too, I like her facial expression.
I also like this girl too and this milky girl damn there are so many good ones to choose from o////o
I just wonder how much of a thin line is it?? Like seriously, I thought the worst you could do for ecchi is just show naked girls, but in that they are pretty much doing it. Sure I guess it's not sex or well, not yet, I've not read any of it just looked at a few pics on that site, but I would have considered all that hentai.
To be honest, in that figure, the only thing that threw me kind off was that her breasts look really small, like completely flat. Not that I'm saying there is anything wrong with small boobs, >_>
Good luck with them! and just so you know, the university I went to was the second lowest one on my list, so I guess you shouldn't really worry about that, it's just about making the most of your time there and getting the most use out of your profs, resources and anything else. Let me know when you've figured out the secret of getting out of procrastination, I'm still trying to work on it... Everyday I say, "Ok! tomorrow I'm going to wake up bright and early, go out for a walk to get some fresh air, then get back and start studying nice and early. but I never do, I just wake up ridiculously late on the weekends, and on the weekday I wake up and immediately have to go to work so I have no time to do anything in the morning. When I get home from work I'm then just really tired and can't be bothered to do anything.
Yes, well I liked it, thank you for the vids :3 hahahaha I think trying to play with my boobs would be the first thing I'd do, I don't know why but whenever I think of VR I just think of doing weird things like that x_x and of course, all of this is just for testing and research purposes, how do we know the capabilities of VR if we don't even try? We're scientists here, not perverts!
Have you seen this?
Hey! you're the one using VR to look up loli's skirts! you're more of a lolicon than me, although, that's only because I don't have VR >__>"
Yeah, there are a few things here and there about Franxx that just throw me off a bit, but I'm liking it. I mean, I guess some of that stuff can be seen as just basic human instinct, but yeah, I get what you mean. The latest episode was mainly about Ichigo, did you see it? :3
Yeah, seeing that price I can't see why you would ever say no to them. Why are you not 100% on board? Has there been some problems with FuRyu before? or do you think that the final coloured outcome may not be as good as you expect?
Ohh!! A Frame Arm Girl! I watched that anime and liked it, I actually bought Styleto, it took me a while to build her but I had a both fun and annoying experience building, some of the pieces are so small that they can be annoying to fit together ^^;
I wil tryto take some pics and send you pics of her
Oh and I saw that assasin figure too, to be honest when I saw her on amiami on that link, I thought she looked really good, like, I feel as though if I watched Fate and knew who she were then I'd get her because of how good she looks. :3
How much money have you spent on figure this year? Is that where all your cash has gone?
btw, you have a daki cover don't you? you have 2 I remember. Do you have them in an actual daki pillow? you know that I have Mira right? well, I've been thinking about actually getting the pillow for her..
Oh my goodness >////> T-That's a nice looking doujin you have there. May you be so kind as to share what that doujin is? For research purposes of course o///o. To be honest, I'm not sure if it looks familiar, I know for sure that image on the front of that Mumuri art book looks familiar .__."
And of course you have them just on your desk, easy access... you damn perv.
Wait. What do you mean it's borderline hentai?? On that site I saw a comment where the first chapter has a blowjob scene so I looked it up and it's on exhentai...with a blowjob scene... Is that not hentai? or is it just that it contains no sex? Also, trap and futa...? I think I just found something new to read.thanks!
oh! and I loved watching Shimoneta, it's so funny although I wish there was more of that yandere silver-haired girl. Anna Nishikinomiya (I just looked her up as I can't remember that name). She was the best girl of that show.
You're right, she is a really cute and lewd figure! I think that's one of my favourite combinations!
I also found a lewd figure I want. It is a Native figure. What I liked about it is the fact that it is both cute and lewd.
You were just talking about wanting more Ram figures and I just saw this on amiami today
I think Ram in this style looks better than the Rem version tbh.
Oh? Where will you be transferring? to a different college or university? and you don't need to pray to pass, I think you're a smart guy so you should pass easy, you haven't been procrastinating too much this semester have you? I procrastinated way too much in my final year :P
Oh!! you made that video for me :3 I approve ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I watched it yesterday before I went to sleep and I watched the vid and read the description before the title of the vid so I only just realised you're calling me out in the title xD But Hey! what do you mean I'm the bigger perv! I'm not the one that's playing around with my virtual bouncy boobs! And you're actually trying to get the physics right so you can play with them with your hands!! xD
I was gonna watch it but I didn't know where to find subs for it. Whenever I search for it, I just get the game I think that's just the old one, not even the new one...
o-oh, you were talking about just lying down in VR chat, ummm, I guess there is nothing wrong with trying to practise that with a loli next to you, nobody would blame you for just looking up .-.
uhh, you're such a slut, having so many waifu's ruins your laifu
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I love it, you can relate pretty much everything they do to something sexual but they're all so innocent, except for zero-two, she seems to be well versed in the lewdness .-.
and let me guess, Ichigo is your best girl, huh? I do really like her, buuut she isn't my favourite girl yet
Also, I think you would appreciate this:
Oh nice!! that's a pretty sweet lookin desk. You're right you do have a lot of space now. You had some figures on the side didn't you? but I guess you moved them to the glass case right?
OMG! that Rem and Ram looks so cute! and only 1800yen! I'm really thinking about ordering them now even though I already have
Rem and Ram nendo's and Rem and Ram GSC figures >__> I just want more Rem and Ram!!! I have an unhealthy obsession I think...
I want to wait untill they are coloured. do you think they will have pictures of them coloured on the site before all the preorders go? Depending on how they look coloured I think they may look even better than GSC's Rem and Ram. Could you keep an out or please let me know if there are any pics of them painted? ;-;
That black heart figure looks amazing!!! but paying nearly $200 for it!! wow, to be honest, getting my Rem and Yamada cost me about £100 because of shipping. Yeah her eyes look so good, nice how they got the power buttons as her eyes detailed well, and your right, the base could have been something better but it's not bad.
I always like looking at your collection because you have so many characters of different varieties, I like that little purple Neptunia group in the top left. I like the Sinon, you sure are right that is a nice butt, I'd even say it's worth the shipping for that butt, but what do I know, I see lewd, I can't help but like lewd, it's a weakness you know?
I also saw that Emelia!! hmm, I don't know if I want her because I have Rem and Ram, I mean, I need to complete the collection don't I >__>"
What abot this Ram? hmm, to be honest, I think her mouth looks a little odd
Those two Yami's do look really good. I don't know if I would choose the one with the cool design in the kimono, or the one with the nice round butt and unbelievably tiny shorts.
Yeah I really like that Rory figure, I can't believe they are making her again, so I just got her.
I see. Well, how are your classes going anyway? I don't really know what your up to cus I haven't spoken to you for a while. I guess you can just wait for the summer holidays to look for a job again, but don't rush to it, trust me, your gonna miss all the free time you have when you do get a job.
Are you insane? Are you the real Crimsoul? I can't believe you would say that boob physics aren't necessary, get in that game and play with your boobs god damn it, Jesus man, it's what we were born to do.
There is nothing wrong with failure, it's like that great saying, From our mistakes and failures we learn and see great lewd content. That's right isn't it? I also see there is a MonsterQuest anime, have you seen it yet?
You mean that great scene where I was small looking up all those giants skirts? I thought I was in heaven. :3
wow, just wow, you actually tried to do it, you know what that means don't you... you gotta get more light in your room and position your sensors better to see up that loli skirt!
aaand now you've changed it again to Verniy. Make up your mind!
haha, I've not really played any games with friends in a while, I socialise enough at work which kills me because of how awkwardly and anti-social I am, so when I get home I just wanna be alone.
Also, I'm watching Darling the FranXX which I think is pretty cool, you should check it out if you want.
She's finally here! my photo quality is pretty terrible though :P
Also, what looks like a pretty good Sagiri figure.
And some Shiro figures too, I know she's not exactly Schwi though.
I like this one more, can you tell why?
I have some pics to share with you! :3
Check out my recent additions to my collection
And here's the whole family :3
Also you like To-love-ru right? This is a nice and kinda lewd figure, but not so lewd where you have to hide it.
Aaand this got a re-release, I really want this figure too. It's like the first anime I started when coming here to mal. She was my first ever waifu.
I just preordered her. You should've talked me out of it man ;-;
How did the job hunting go? Any luck?
Well, yeah, but Intel probably also lower prices because of that huge security flaw in their CPU's that came out a while ago remember? But I'm glad to see AMD finally getting back into the game.
Oh I see! You're character looks so cute :3 Of course you have to play as a cute animu grill, why wouldn't you! Also, boob physics, does she have boob physics? because she needs boob physics.
Galgun?? Yeah, I bet you definitly "failed" a few times just to see the consequences.
Thank you for the video! Your character looks so amazing here, it looks like it all works fine, just a few things here and there but useable and playable. Wow, how could you just warp yourself into a little loli's room like that your perv, I bet you looked up their skirts after didn't you >_>
It's also pretty cool how you can just open a game like that shooting one in the end, I didn't know you could do that. the most I have seen of VRchat is just people doing and saying stupid shit. xD
YES! I would love an Alstofo figure, but I think I liked the one where he was in armour more, hmm, actually the more I look at his legs in this one the more I like it, his legs here look so long, smooth, comfy, sexy...WAIT, WOW, OK I'M GOING TO STOP TALKING AND THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW.
Of course that kind of app exists, if I had an android I'd test it out xD
Nice profile pic btw. I'm sure you had someone different when I messaged a few weeks ago.
So...What kind of game play does this offer?
I feel tired literally everyday and I hate how I have to live for the weekend to do anything I want, but heyo, I guess that's what's adult life is? I don't know.
oh nice work and good job on your results for everything!! haha, I don't think I have ever really walked out of an exam and thought to myself, that was easy, so you must have done a good job studying and practising for the test, or your just a genius haha
I see, you're on your holiday for now. And you got another part-time job? What is this one you have?
And is that the course you are going for Engineering? Yeah, I heard that engineering students here have it rough too, good luck with all that when you get around to it.
Yeah, I really didn't like them killing Luke off. That final bit where there are all those kinda modified AT-AT's blasting the living shit out of him and then he just walks out like nothing happened. That whole part was good. But yeah, he was a bit of a douche, even Obi and Yoda weren't that much of a douche when Luke went to them for help.
And thank you! Yes, Leia surviving in space was the most retarded thing in that movie. And to be honest, of all the old star wars actors and actresses, the one you would expect to of been killed of in this episode would have been Leia for, well obvious reasons...
Alright, cool, I'll see if I can jump into a few of those. I kinda miss anime, I've not watched any for a few months now and I feel like I have missed so much haha.
Yeah, I thought it would nearly be touching because it looks soo damn close. oh and you OC's with a stock cooler? huh, I would never have said that was a good idea but is it that good? I guess so if your pc hasn't melted yet haha. Oh and so you finally have a pc that works? about time right.
Well, your room is big enough to actually support a VR setup, just that you have a huge couch in the way don't you?
oh I see. I didn't even know MS did a VR thing. I guess they are kinda cheap, and they are half the price or the Vive and Oculus so it would be interesting to see how good they are and how well they perform with the other two VR sets software.
Have't spoke in a whil as I think the last time you were getting really busy with your finals and then I was getting overloaded with work.
I had to work overtime this whole weekend so would be working for 12 consecutive days! I've been trying to play some games here and there to blow off some stress so that's why I haven't been here in a while.
So how are things with you? Everything alright and cool? Studies all fine and everything like that?
Oh btw I watched The Last Jedi too, to be honest, I disliked the whole first half of the movie. I'm an empire and dark side fanboy anyway but half of the things in the first half of that movie just seemed way too dumb for me to enjoy. But I admit it was better than 7 at least.
How about animu? Any animu this winter I have missed or any at all? I haven't watched any for a while, I have the last episode of Blend S to watch and that's as far as I got with it haha.
Killing Bites sounded interesting from what you said so I may have a look at that.
oh and before I forget. Your new PC looks awesome. I really like the look of it. How close to the window is that GPU? haha, pretty snug fit it looks like.
And I'm afraid I can't, not mind the cables you really need to organise hahaha