An aspiring manga-ka who has a distinct taste in anime, but loves all manga.
***Currently, my manga list is incomplete. Soon, I will have a full, rather lengthy list of manga to share. Right now, making the list will take some time, time I don't necessarily have.***
Hey I try to bring the super Robot genre back but with some changes and with influence of real Robot aesthetics.
I am only 21 years old, so if everything works fine I will have many years of time to become a better Artist.
The medium of my choice is Comic/manga and maybe Motion Comic/ Animation someday.
At this Point the original drawings are bad but they will get better.
I am motivated and I mean it serious.
Everyday I do my studies of anatomy and draw some hours.
Most of my Pictures arent online because I have no scanner.
I think we Robot fans arent many so we have to connect.
If you can give me advice or cool ideas please send me a message.
You are welcome, and that's actually a little difficult(not really, but you have to know how to do it).
First, you must save the picture in your computer, once you have have, upload it to some site that allows you to convert it in IMG code, I use this one: .
Open the image on that site and somewhere (at the left menu bar in photobucket) you'll find the share links, you need to copy the IMG one. Now paste the code in your profile description. If you need to know something else about how to edit your profile, you can check the MAL BBCode help:
Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand something or you need anything else. Have a good day!
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Attempting to start a conflict.
I am only 21 years old, so if everything works fine I will have many years of time to become a better Artist.
The medium of my choice is Comic/manga and maybe Motion Comic/ Animation someday.
At this Point the original drawings are bad but they will get better.
I am motivated and I mean it serious.
Everyday I do my studies of anatomy and draw some hours.
Most of my Pictures arent online because I have no scanner.
I think we Robot fans arent many so we have to connect.
If you can give me advice or cool ideas please send me a message.
I hope my english isnt too wrong because I am from North europe and dont often speak english .
First, you must save the picture in your computer, once you have have, upload it to some site that allows you to convert it in IMG code, I use this one: .
Open the image on that site and somewhere (at the left menu bar in photobucket) you'll find the share links, you need to copy the IMG one. Now paste the code in your profile description. If you need to know something else about how to edit your profile, you can check the MAL BBCode help:
Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand something or you need anything else. Have a good day!