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Days: 64.1
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed122
- On-Hold51
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch113
- Total Entries310
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,944
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 18.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries28
- Reread0
- Chapters2,983
- Volumes124
All Comments (7) Comments
Tiny people, not to be confused as midgets, who lived in the parallel world and dimension to ours known as Middle Earth. These people were small but ironically had big feet which in turn was the reason why Gondor used them for underground sex slave trading because big feet means big penis. Many Hobbits were sodomized by people in Gondor and Rohan. Because the males had a dick the size of a cucumber they were used as displays at sex orgies. It was estimated at one point about 92% of households in Gondor had atleast 1 Hobbit used for sexual pleasures and fantasies.
Hobbits were forced to ride the shit out of Dwarves infront of people and farm pigs. This was done to create a new breed of man animals called Dwarbbits which were patented by Gondor and used as a work force.
Hobbit's Masters would get drunk and molest them. At times they were forced to punch into the rectum and anus of their Masters and Lords. This was the starting point of what is known as fisting today. During that time a Hobbit would fist into the pootbox of their Masters they would also have to squeal like a piglet and shit in a cup. Once a week they had to hunt down smurfs and catch them to either kill them or stick them up inside the shit factory of their Masters to tickle the inside of their rectum and anus.
Hobbits look weird as hell with those big feet