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Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Aug 19, 2020 7:57 AM
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Yeah I agree! Ginko is an amazing character. I had a Ginko pfp a couple times myself haha
With Okabe, it's really tough to drop him out of my top 10 but, I really couldn't drop anyone else out for Shinji. He is still one of my favourite protagonists though.
What are your initial thoughts on Gintama?
I'm glad to hear that you liked KLK! You definitely put it well and I have to agree with your points. The presentation is magnificent, with its striking colour palette and domineering music from Sawano and it really propels Trigger into that realm of animation studio with an excellent sense of presentation. Imaishi's direction really comes through and as you said, it definitely feels like a spiritual successor to Gurren Lagann because of that. His style is so unique and interesting, constantly utilising the elements of the medium to his advantage. I can agree that the narrative and themes does feel a little weaker in comparison to TTGL. However, regarding Imaishi's shows, they do have a strong thematic focus and aren't just mindless series with pretty colours and flashy action sequences. I'm not downplaying the action or production, those are excellent and some of the best the medium has to offer but, it isn't just a "turn off your brain" experience. They do have interesting ideas and concepts that add layers to the narrative and characters. That is probably why I love both shows so much. Also, Satsuki is a goddess, got to agree.
Well, I finished the show, only got EoE to go but, it's definitely a masterpiece. First time watching, I really liked it. Excellent presentation and writing with good characters. But, I was shallow when I first watched it. I didn't really connect with the characters and I felt distant from it because of that. I felt my appreciation and admiration for the series was higher than my own personal love for it. But, now it's different. The themes and characters hit me like a truck. They are so down to earth and relatable, despite the Sci-fi mecha backdrop. The ideas of loneliness, identity, escapism, self-hatred, expectations, trauma and psychological pain as a whole connected with me so much this time around and I felt Anno's own unfiltered vision and his own character plastered all over, making it a more personal and difficult experience. I'll say it outright, I did cry quite a bit and it's most likely the most I've cried in months. The way it's "shot" (ik it isn't shot but, it's the best word I can think of) is so unique and intriguing, it isn't very conventional. There is more I could talk about but, then the message would be way too long but, the show is definitely a masterpiece and Shinji is one of the best characters in anime.
What are you planning on watching now?
I agree that the humor can be pretty hit or miss. There are quite a few unfunny episodes but there are also episodes that made me cry from laughter. Most people that enjoy Gintama from the beginning end up putting it in their favorites list so hopefully it's the same for you.
That sounds great! I'm not sure when I'll check it out be I'll be sure to do so. I've generally liked KyoAni's stuff, granted I haven't seen too many of their works, but seeing their artstyle/animation is always a treat -- they're always quite good in that regard. I've heard a lot of really good things even besides the animation, so I look forward to checking it out when the time comes. I'm generally not the biggest fan of "cute girl" stuff, but perhaps K-On will be one I really like!