Greetings you degenerate fucking weeb and welcome to my profile! The info here is relevant if you are here to judge my anime list.
10 = yes, 9 = transcendent, 8 = insanely good, 7 = very good, 6 = good. 5 = decent, 4 = whatever, 3 = kinda bad, 2 = truly bad, 1 = no.
I rate each anime I watch as a whole, with all of it's seasons/movies/OVAs/ONAs/specials combined, and then give each anime it's overall score to it's very first entry. This makes my list a whole lot simpler, which I like. For each anime I watch I make sure to watch everything (except recaps) from all of it's related entries before I rate it with any score here. Unless I dropped it, in which case I'll still rate it if I watched 12+ episodes. If an anime I've rated before ever gets any new entries then I'll watch them ASAP and update my score for it if necessary. I rate different adaptations seperately. I usually rate spin-offs together with their main story, but there can be some exceptions if the spin-off is extremely seperated from it's main story, an example of this would be "Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé".
AND I WATCH DUBS!!!!! Usually, because I do kind of prefer not having to read some text at the bottom of the screen every other second...
All Comments (9) Comments
If u want to try something similar to NHK that is actually not as degenerate as NHK then try Genshiken, It is actually really good if u like otaku stuff and the whole slice of life thing
I find its meta jokes the best, and personally I like it more than NHK cause the characters are way more likable
I only call out those bs reviews that doesn't specify why did they not recommend a specific anime, they will make the whole review about themselves, instead of giving proper reasons
I had to 1.5× through that pile of shit, And that ending was laughable man they were fighting some werewolf daddy at the end for some reason lmao 😂
I thought it was pretty decent but nothing that memorable or special, I don't know if u have seen my other scores or not I have given far more atrocious scores to many series
Btw nice to meet u fellow GITS fan