I'm a noob, don't judge my anime taste. Also, I accept any anime recommendations.
My Rating System:
10-Must-watch, a masterpiece in my eyes
9- A great anime with a few minor complaints
8- Good with some standout qualities to not be a 7.
7- Just Good, nothing more, nothing less
6- Above Average, I don't love it, but I might rewatch it in like 3 years.
5- Average
4- Below Average or Boring
3- Bad
2- Terrible and shouldn't be talked about
1- A dumpster fire that should burn in hell
There's not really a such thing as being ready after high school graduation. People go to university and have no idea what they're doing. You kind of figure it out as you go along. Or you never figure it out.
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think about the things you're good at!!