➔ All anime sucks but this is of course just my personal opinion and should therefore be taken very seriously
➔ MAL has fallen, millions must peep goated artists
➔ Mostly only read something if it's finished or if 30 chapters have been published
➟ Before I begin, I would like a round of applause to the reader for clicking on yours truly's profile. I have to admit it's rather untidy and there are plenty of other biographies with a more pretty set-up (penned "aesthetic" by the recent generation). I can't stress enough that you are free to socialize with me since I do not bite. Okay, I apologise for deceiving you. My previous statement is in fact a lie. I do in fact bite (several unsuspecting civilians have contracted rabies). However, if you show little to no hostile behaviour, the chances of having your arm sunk onto my teeth are greatly reduced. With that in mind, I once again welcome you to my profile and hope you enjoy your stay.
➟ Firstly let's talk about the battle that has ravaged on for centuries. Yes, you are very much correct. I am referring to watching Japanese animation with subtitles (sub) or when the animation is lip-synced and mixed with original production (dub). Which of the two is actually superior? The answer is so straightforward that it baffles me to how you simpletons were unable to understand the optimum method of watching. You do none of the above. The easiest and best method is to close the device you are using and do something if not anything else. That way your ever-so precious time won't go to waste. I personally prefer sub since the voice actors are very recognisable.
➟ By the way, investing a significant amount of time into your About Me actually increases the likelihood that a girl will notice you. You were unable to hear my sarcastic tone when I said that statement since, regrettably, I was unable to deliver it to you in person. The unfortunate reality is that none of us enjoys popularity with the maidens. That's why I boldly suggest that we use our time more creatively rather than chasing paradoxical girls.
➟ Actively participating in forums is, in my opinion, pathetic. Now by active, I mean skipping meals to take part in them. Otherwise socialise as you please. The only good forum poster I have met and I will most likely ever meet is this young gentleman (he has met nasu mushroom man in person).
➟ I pirate anime. It's quite straightforward, here's a simple method: approach your nearby pirates and join their vessel. As they offer all their hospitality, they will ever so gently make you walk the plank for mentioning anime. Maybe when you're drowning in pain, you'll realise your mistake and stop watching anime.
➟ Dear all the people who honestly believe seasonal reviews are worth reading, I regret to inform you that you have been gravely mistaken. I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that the top ones give overall scores of 5 and under? Woah, I must be a psychic. While I would not like to explicitly mention the prominent seasonal reviewers who have made downgrading productions a norm (and an eyesore at that), it is safe to say that they don't deserve even a glance. Keep in mind that I admire the effort they put into their works and there are certainly several of them that are accurate however all the negativity leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
➟ To expand on my previous point, I would like to shed light on how the world does in fact revolve around me. If I bash your favourite animanga (not you of course because I am a coward), you are not allowed to criticise me. If you do retaliate, I will personally sign your gravestone. Your anime expertise most likely exceeds mine and I'm sure your "taste" is far better than mine. However that all is nullified due to one minute issue. I am funnier.
➟ Since the ever-so lovely moderators ended up being forced back to a wall by my superior takes, my previous reviews ended up being removed. I thus decided to add them as blogs since I should remain under the radar for a while that way. Edit: They got deleted :(
➟ Whilst I loathe elitists, I despise anti-elitists just as much. "Oh, you have under [insert] mean score". Shut the fuck up. Let them do as they please. They might be masochists, sadists or even trolls (will elaborate on them further on) but for my sake if not your own, keep at least a shred of decency. Now a sincere message to the wannabe critics. You are not cool. If you don't even follow the 1-10 scale anymore, you are beyond help (just kidding!!!! seek psychiatric help immediately).
➟ What exactly are trolls? I'll let Lord Of The Rings do the talking. Putrid smell, crooked teeth and an enlarged belly are the main characteristics through which you can identify them. Now how does one escape their inevitable demise when they are in the clutches of trolls? It is relatively straightforward. Just pay them no heed. If you happen to feel a little lucky after waking up on the right side of your bed, then leave a comment on their profile saying "my favourite satire account on this site, based and redpilled, etc." Follow the steps I have mentioned to the T and your lifespan will increase significantly.
➟ Don't conclude your remarks with '...'. What on earth is that intended to mean? Are you feeling nervous about what you've said, or is this naive belief that you'll get away with it when the authorities show up? That being stated, would you kindly refrain from using "..." to end sentences? Thank you...
➟ Nowadays I've noticed the sudden influx of the word "overrated". Let me make this clear that overrated is not a correct response to somebody asking "is the animanga good or bad?". The literal definition of overrated means that the subject is rated or praised much more than it deserves. This does not necessarily have to mean that it is bad rather that it does not live up to the expectations or is relatively mediocre. Therefore I ask of you guys to not simply call something "overrated" or "overhyped" since that would be both illogical and irrational and instead elaborate or expand on what you found lacking or where improvement is needed. Actually at the time of writing this rant, I have been enlightened that overrated is in fact splendid criticism and is most effective when used in excess. Of course, if you want to take it up a notch, insert "mid" to the anime's name/add "tard" to the anime's fanbase and your social status should escalate exponentially.
➟ Calling all degenerates! AniList seems to be the only safe place to escape from this tyrannical site. If you wish
➟ Stooping to an all-time low. I'm sure we've all went through it. Deny all you want, you clicked on my profile and that is more than enough proof. Anyways, another example of hitting rock bottom is whining on and on about your most prized possession (favourite anime) receiving an abysmal score. Now that would be fine and dandy if you weren't doing it to an aloof passerby. Abstain from doing what I have just mentioned and you should be able to fit in society once more.
➟ Men of supposed "culture". What culture exactly? I'm clueless. Perhaps it's Ancient Greek Mythology or the European renaissance period. I'm at the very least certain that culture isn't masturbating to fictional characters (preferably underage) and naming the top 500 lolis of all time. If you were falsely informed that the latter is in fact culture, then I encourage you to "cope harder".
➟ What is it with some random imbecile sending a message such as:
> "If you hate anime so much, why do you even watch it?" (If you like anime so much, why dont you marry it 😂😂😂)
> "Cringe profile" (Subtle yet deadly. My keyboard shudders in terror as it is unable to create a response that can rival against this powerful verbose (and because their comments are disabled)
> "Shit taste" (will go into more detail regarding this further below)
> "You should kill yourself NOW" etc. (self-explanatory)
> "You gave [insert anime title] a [insert number]? Absolute trash." (Translation: Omg this retard gave my fav anime bad score, they better be prepared for me to start bashing what they enjoy despite them doing absolutely nothing bad to me)
> "Get a life" (Note: This is the same person with 1k+ forum posts)
and then when I plan on compiling a proper response, I am utterly devastated to find out they have restricted their list so I am incapable of fighting fire with conflagration. Now I would send them a private message but my self-esteem is on the line and I MUST get on MAL savage moments compilation #17.
➟ I will and never plan to drop anime. Why? Because the entirety of what I watch will always be something I must commit too. If you do not follow this ideology (assuredly political) then I beseech thy to not beest so feeble. The only rational explanation I will permit for dropping is "i felt like it lol".
➟ Talking about waifus is perilous, that much is certain. Waifus are essentially screen pixels arranged to create the impression of a "cute anime girl." I have several waifus as I strongly believe in polygamy and no, I will NOT share them.
➟ To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the masterpiece that is the Monogatari series. The wordplay is profoundly subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced Japanese most of the writing will go over a typical viewer's head. There's additionally Araragi's imperfect recollection, a quality which is deftly woven into the style in which the story is presented. The fans understand this stuff; they have the astute capacity to authentically appreciate the multifaceted nature of the dialogue, to realise that they're not spewing puns- they say something deep about the intricacies of the language. As a consequence, people who disrelish the Monogatari series genuinely ARE imbeciles- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hanekawa's observant catchphrase "I only know what I know," which itself is a cryptic reference to Plato's account of the Socratic paradox. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in perplexity as NISIOISIN's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What dunces.. how I pity them.
➟ And yes, by the way, I DO have a Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothing personnel kid 😎
➟ I am wholeheartedly terrified of sending friend requests. This is due to the fact that I prioritise watching the greatest single work of fiction ever created (anime) over developing the basic assets required to engage in a civil discussion on the internet. The vice versa is permissible though.
➟ Will add more later on... (Replenishing my crippled vocabulary)
Thanks, I always somehow miss it by a couple days so the reminder was very much appreciated. =)
I see you noticed the news about the Item anime and sequel for Railgun, I'm still disappointed about there being no news for Toaru New Testament anime though...
it's genuinely fire bro worth checking out if you're interested at all. Season 2's gonna be the real test though, that's when the original started with all the filler so I really hope they don't fumble the show's second chance
Honestly hope they do what spy x family did and release a noncanon movie or something. Adapting the manga's great and all but new content would be even cooler
dood tell me your thoughts on "kyoukai senjou no horizon" when you go through a bit of the story as i've been meaning to read it sooner or later
I am finally able to tell you, its peak fiction if you like Kamachi (which it seems you at least somewhat do) you would most definitely like Horizon, its like if Kamachi would finally write without boundaries (sex gets added to Index when) Owari no Chronicle is also really good so if you have the time read through all that then read Horizon you won't be disappointed :)
honestly with how consistent ur recommendations have been, might hop on "my monster secret" next 👀
It's really good but be warned, the art at the start is very bad but it gets WAAAAY better in the future chapters. Also, if you loved the ending to The Legendary Hero Is Dead!, you'll REALLY love My Monster Secret ending, it's a 10/10, my favorite ending ever.
The author of that actually has a new manga out and it looks pretty good so far! It's currently has 10 chapters.
All Comments (1526) Comments
Thanks, I always somehow miss it by a couple days so the reminder was very much appreciated. =)
I see you noticed the news about the Item anime and sequel for Railgun, I'm still disappointed about there being no news for Toaru New Testament anime though...
Honestly hope they do what spy x family did and release a noncanon movie or something. Adapting the manga's great and all but new content would be even cooler
I am finally able to tell you, its peak fiction if you like Kamachi (which it seems you at least somewhat do) you would most definitely like Horizon, its like if Kamachi would finally write without boundaries (sex gets added to Index when) Owari no Chronicle is also really good so if you have the time read through all that then read Horizon you won't be disappointed :)
It's really good but be warned, the art at the start is very bad but it gets WAAAAY better in the future chapters. Also, if you loved the ending to The Legendary Hero Is Dead!, you'll REALLY love My Monster Secret ending, it's a 10/10, my favorite ending ever.
The author of that actually has a new manga out and it looks pretty good so far! It's currently has 10 chapters.