Sense! *hugs* these days I have been sleeping a lot and I have been hearing the birds as I was used to, so I remembered that once we talked about the numbness to wake up =.= and I realized the time we have without talking... well, its my fault for disappearing like that.. how are you? Inactive too?
Damn, rewatching Kiniro Mosaic? I should do that some time. It's been almost two years since I last saw it. Oh, that reminds me, the second season of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?alrady came out so you can watch that as well.
Acchi Kocchi is pretty slow, but it's a nice little cute show. You can also look into G-bu. And ah, yuyushiki was the first show I watched about cute girls.
Glad to hear you're doing well as well. Hope to see you around more
All Comments (741) Comments
I've been lazier than I should have been this summer。School is starting really soon though!
v the zygote below is lame asf
You can be lame and nice, silly.
What have you been up to?
They'e basically the same character.
hahaha, izzat even supposed to eat it? But wait, I guess cookies are still vegetarian ..... unless it's not O__o'
Ayy. Noice face
v the fetus that commented below me is lame btw.
Glad to hear you're doing well as well. Hope to see you around more
Discord is like a better version of skype.
I've been alright. Mostly working these days, and on discord.